Contact Mechanics - Displacement Field Overlapping

Hi there,

I am doing simply linear elasticity simulation for very complex geometry. You can see the geometry and boundary conditions below;

I adopted the linear_elacticity demo (I cannot share the geometry file-since its size is too big);

import datetime
start_time =

L = 1
W = 1
mu = 1
rho = 1
delta = W/L
gamma = 0.4*delta**2
beta = 1.25
lambda_ = beta
g = gamma

import numpy as np
import ufl

from mpi4py import MPI
from petsc4py.PETSc import ScalarType
from dolfinx import mesh, fem, plot, io

# mesh reading
from xdmf_utils import XDMFReader
geometry = XDMFReader("MeshDir/Matrix250")
domain, subdomains, facet_tags = geometry.getAll()

t_imap = domain.topology.index_map(domain.topology.dim)
num_cells = t_imap.size_local + t_imap.num_ghosts
print("Total Number of Cells: ", num_cells)

V = fem.VectorFunctionSpace(domain, ("CG", 1))

u_bottom = np.array([0,0,0], dtype=ScalarType)

def impose_bc(mesh, facet_tags, u,tag,V):
    fdim = domain.topology.dim - 1
    boundary_facets = np.array(facet_tags.indices[facet_tags.values == tag])
    bc = fem.dirichletbc(u, fem.locate_dofs_topological(V, fdim, boundary_facets), V)
    return bc

u_top = np.array([0,-25*0.001,0], dtype=ScalarType)

bc1 = impose_bc(mesh, facet_tags, u_top,1,V)
bc2 = impose_bc(mesh, facet_tags, u_bottom,2,V)

bcs = [bc1,bc2]

T = fem.Constant(domain, ScalarType((0, 0, 0)))

ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=domain)

def epsilon(u):
    return ufl.sym(ufl.grad(u)) # Equivalent to 0.5*(ufl.nabla_grad(u) + ufl.nabla_grad(u).T)
def sigma(u):
    return lambda_ * ufl.nabla_div(u) * ufl.Identity(u.geometric_dimension()) + 2*mu*epsilon(u)

u = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
f = fem.Constant(domain, ScalarType((0, -rho*g, 0)))
a = ufl.inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v)) * ufl.dx
L =, v) * ufl.dx +, v) * ds

print("Solver Started..")

problem = fem.petsc.LinearProblem(a, L, bcs=bcs, petsc_options={"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu"})
uh = problem.solve()

with io.XDMFFile(domain.comm, "ResultsDir/deformation.xdmf", "w") as xdmf:
    xdmf.write_mesh(domain) = "Deformation"

## Stress computation

s = sigma(uh) -1./3**ufl.Identity(uh.geometric_dimension())
von_Mises = ufl.sqrt(3./2*ufl.inner(s, s))

# %%
V_von_mises = fem.FunctionSpace(domain, ("DG", 0))
stress_expr = fem.Expression(von_Mises, V_von_mises.element.interpolation_points)
stresses = fem.Function(V_von_mises)

with io.XDMFFile(domain.comm, "ResultsDir/stresses.xdmf", "w") as xdmf:
    xdmf.write_mesh(domain) = "Stresses"

print("Total Execution Time: ",

When I perform the calculations, I am getting this displacement field;

How can I prevent this overlapping? Should I manipulate the resulting displacement function to move the mesh nodes appropriately?

Thanks for your answer.

This is probably self contact problem.
Please did found any solution for this, I’m facing the same issue.
Thank you

This is an extremely challenging problem. There is some work in this effort as part of the asimov contact project. I’m not sure what the status is, and would yield any comment to its developers.