Copy a numpy matrix into a fencis function

Hi, I am kind of new in FEniCS and I am having some problems when solving a problem.

I have matrix (which I have turned into a vector so that the problem is easier) which I calculate as the following:

for cont in range((nx + 1)*(ny+1)):
vector_aux[cont] = cont

with nx*ny the number of elements in the mesh. I want to get this values into the mesh of my variational problem in the following way: the first node will get value 0, the second one the value 1, the third one the value 2… But when doing:

indices_diagonales.vector()[:] = vector_aux

the values are ordered in a different way. Is there any function that goes from a numpy array to a Fenics function but following the nodes numbering?

Hi, this is a copy from Difference between split() and sub() in mixed formulation - #2 by edgar :

Hi. Just a regular user here. You have no idea how many posts the managers of the forum have to answer (you could count them ; ) ). If I were you, I would be kind to them: carefully Read before posting: How do I get my question answered?

and Question about Quadrature elements and their integration into variational forms - #2 by edgar :

Hi. Just a regular user here. First, Read before posting: How do I get my question answered? (you need a MWE if ever you want an answer. Following the requests of those who are helping you–for free–is a very good advice–because I say so :stuck_out_tongue: ). … Good luck.