Debugging Numerical ice sheet modelling using FEniCS

Hello! I am trying to run the sample code in and it is giving me some errors. Towards the end of the code in line 222 it says that the object does not have the property to do extrapolation. I am wondering if the methods above have an error in them. If anyone can help that would be much appreciated.

from fenics import *
from mshr import *
import numpy as np

# Flow Parameters (km, yr, Mpa)
n_i = 3.0 # glen's flow law exponent
A = 100.0 # glen's flow law parameter
rho = 9.037e-13 # density
g = 9.760e+12 # gravitational acceleration'

# Horizontal Extent
Lx = 1000 # (km)

# Number of Nodes
Nx = 101 # nodes along x
Nz = 11 # nodes along z

# Define EISMINT Domain
def EISMINT():
	x = np.linspace(0, Lx, Nx)
	tops = 0.1*np.ones(len(x))
	bots = np.zeros(len(x))
	return x, bots, tops

xvec, z_bot, z_top = EISMINT()

# Map the Geometry Enclosed by bottomSurf and topSurf to Structured Mesh
def createMesh(xvec, bottomsurf, topsurf, Nx, Nz):
	hl = Nx - 1 # number of horizontal layers
	vl = Nz - 1 # number of vertical layers

	# generate mesh on unitsquare
	mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 1.0), hl, vl)

	# Extract x and y coordinates from mesh
	x = mesh.coordinates()[:, 0]
	y = mesh.coordinates()[:, 1]
	x0 = min(xvec)
	x1 = max(xvec)

	# Map coordinates on unit square to the computational domain
	xnew = x0 + x*(x1 - x0)
	zs = np.interp(xnew, xvec, topsurf)
	zb = np.interp(xnew, xvec, bottomsurf)
	ynew = zb + y*(zs - zb)

	xy_new_coor = np.array([xnew, ynew]).transpose()
	mesh.coordinates()[:] = xy_new_coor

	return mesh

# Class describing the bottom boundary of the domain
class bottomBoundary(SubDomain):
	def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
		return bool(on_boundary and near(x[1], 0.0) )

# Class describing the left boundary of the domain
class leftBoundary(SubDomain):
	def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
		return bool(on_boundary and near(x[0], 0.0) )

# Class describing the right boundary of the domain
class rightBoundary(SubDomain):
	def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
		return bool(on_boundary and near(x[0], Lx) )
# Function extracting values along surface z_top
def boundaryValues(u, xvec, z_top):
	# Define projection space
	V = FunctionSpace(u.function_space().mesh(), "Lagrange", 2)

	# Project velocity onto V
	ux = project(u[0], V)
	uz = project(u[1], V)

	# Allow extrapolation, in case coordinates are slightly outside the domain

	# Preallocate array for velocity components
	ux_b = np.zeros(len(xvec))
	uz_b = np.zeros(len(xvec))

	# Extract velocity along z_top
	for i in range(len(xvec)):
		ux_b[i] = ux(xvec[i], z_top[i])
		uz_b[i] = uz(xvec[i], z_top[i])

	return ux_b, uz_b

# Solve Stoke's equation on doman described by mesh
def solveStokes(mesh):
	# Define Taylor−Hood element
	V = VectorElement("Lagrange", triangle, 2)
	Q = FiniteElement("Lagrange", triangle, 1)
	TH = V*Q
	W = FunctionSpace(mesh, TH)

	# Test function
	y = TestFunction(W)
	(v, q) = split(y)

	# Trial function
	w = TrialFunction(W)
	(u, p) = split(w)

	# Initial guess for nonlinear solver
	w0 = Function(W)
	(u0, p0) = split(w0)

	# Create boundary objects
	bottom = bottomBoundary()
	left = leftBoundary()
	right = rightBoundary()

	bc_bot = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), ((0.0, 0.0)), bottom)
	bc_left = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), ((0.0, 0.0)), left)
	bc_right = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), ((0.0, 0.0)), right)
	bcs = [bc_bot, bc_left, bc_right]

	# Glen's flow law
	def viscosity(u):
		strain_rate = sym(grad(u))
		eff_strain_rate = 0.5*tr(strain_rate*strain_rate)
		return 0.5*A**(-1.0/n_i)*(eff_strain_rate + 1e-10)**((1.0-n_i)/(2.0*n_i))
	# Force term
	f = Constant((0.0, -rho*g))

	# Define bilinear form
	a = ( 2*viscosity(u0)*inner(sym(grad(u)), grad(v)) - div(v)*p - div(u)*q ) * dx

	# Define linear form
	L = inner(f, v) * dx

	# Define function for holding the solution
	w = Function(W)
	(u, p) = split(w)
	(ux, u_z) = split(u)

	# Set up fixed point iteration algorithm for solving nonlinear problem
	i = 0
	max_iter = 100
	tol = 1e-6
	for i in range(max_iter):
		# Define linearized variational problem of nonlinear PDE
		pde = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, w, bcs)
		solver = LinearVariationalSolver(pde)

		# Solve variational problem

		# Estimate the error
		diff = w.vector().get_local() - w0.vector().get_local()
		if (np.linalg.norm(diff, ord=np.Inf) < tol):
		# Update the initial guess

	if (i+1 >= max_iter):
		print("Warning: maximum number of iterations reached")
		print("Nonlinear solver finished in", i+1, "iterations")

# Solve surface equation
def solveSurface(xvec, z_top, u, ddx, dt, eps):
	# Define 1D mesh
	interval = IntervalMesh(Nx-1, 0, Lx)

	# Define 1D function space
	V = FunctionSpace(interval, "Lagrange", 1)

	# Extract velocity on boundary
	ux_b, uz_b = boundaryValues(u, xvec, z_top)
	ux = Function(V)
	uz = Function(V)

	# Define trial function on V
	v = TrialFunction(V)

	# Define test function on V
	s = TestFunction(V)

	# Function for holding the old solution
	s0 = Function(V)

	# Accumulation function (km/yr)
	a_s_expr = "fmax(0, fmin(0.0005, s*( R - fabs(x[0] - 0.5*L) ) ))"
	a_s = Expression(a_s_expr, s=1e-5, R=200, L=Lx, degree=1)

	# Define bilinear and linear forms
	a = Constant(1.0/dt)*s*v*dx + ux*s.dx(0)*v*dx + Constant(eps)*s.dx(0)*v.dx(0)*dx
	L = Constant(1.0/dt)*s0*v*dx + (a_s + uz)*v*dx

	# Function for holding the new solution
	h = Function(V)

	# Define linear variational problem
	pde = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, h, [])
	solver = LinearVariationalSolver(pde)

	# Solve variational problem

	return h.vector().get_local()

t = 0 # initial time (yr)
T = 2000 # simulation time (yr)
dt = 25 # time stepping (yrs)
eps = 0.2 # artificial viscosity
ddx = Lx/(Nx-1) # horizontal grid resolution (km)

while(t < T):
	# Generate mesh on domain bounded by curves z bot and z top
	mesh = createMesh(xvec, z_bot, z_top, Nx, Nz)

	# Solve stokes
	w = solveStokes(mesh)
	(u, p) = w.split()

	# Solve surface equation
	ux_b, uz_b, h = solveSurface(z_top, u, ddx, dt, eps)
    z_top = h.vector().get_local()

	# Update time
    t += float(dt)

To me it seems like your StokesSolver does not return anything.

It should return the solution w.

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