Error during Google Colab Exeution using edX code


I am following the edX course High Performance Finite Element Modeling using the Google Colab Notebook. I am trying to execute the example code for Wave Equation:

%matplotlib inline                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
%run /home/fenics/                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
from dolfin import *; 
from mshr import *; 
from IPython.display import display, clear_output; 
import time

import logging; logging.getLogger('FFC').setLevel(logging.WARNING)

import numpy as np


# Compact plot utility function
def plot_compact(u, t, stepcounter): 
    if stepcounter % 5 == 0:
        uEuclidnorm = project(u, Q); 
        fig = plt.gcf();
        fig.set_size_inches(16, 2)
        # Plot norm of velocity
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 1); 
        # plt.axis(G)
        # Plot mesh
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
        plt.suptitle("Wave - t: %f" % (t)); 

# Define domain and mesh
XMIN, XMAX = -10., 10.;
YMIN, YMAX = -0.5, 0.5;
mresolution = 50;
mesh = generate_mesh(Rectangle(Point(G[0], G[2]), Point(G[1], G[3])), mresolution)

# Define function spaces and functions
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1); 
W = Q * Q;
h = CellSize(mesh);
(p, q) = TestFunctions(W); 
w = Function(W); 
(u, v) = (w[0], w[1]);
u0 = Function(Q); 
v0 = Function(Q);

# Time interval and time step
t, T = 0., 5.;
k = 0.05;
a = 1;

# Define the Dirichlet boundary   
def boundary(x, on_boundary):                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    return on_boundary

# Initial solution
option = 1;
if option==0:
    ue = Expression("(1-pow(a*t-x[0],2))*exp(-pow(a*t-x[0],2)) + (1-pow(a*t+x[0],2))*exp(-pow(a*t+x[0],2))", a=a, t=0, domain=mesh);
    ve = Expression("2*a*(a*t-x[0])*(pow(a*t-x[0],2)-2)*exp(-pow(a*t-x[0],2)) + 2*a*(a*t+x[0])*(pow(a*t+x[0],2)-2)*exp(-pow(a*t+x[0],2))", a=a, t=0, domain=mesh)
if option==1:
    ue = Expression("(1-pow(a*t+x[0],2))*exp(-pow(a*t+x[0],2))", a=a, t=0, domain=mesh);
    ve = Expression("2*a*(a*t+x[0])*(pow(a*t+x[0],2)-2)*exp(-pow(a*t+x[0],2))", a=a, t=0, domain=mesh)

# Boundary conditions
bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), ue, boundary)
bcv = DirichletBC(W.sub(1), ve, boundary)
bcs = [bcu, bcv];

# Initial solution
u0 = ue;
v0 = ve;

# Time scheme parameter
theta = 0.5;

# Time-stepping loop    
while t < T:
    # Weak form of wave equation
    vm = theta*v + (1.0-theta)*v0;
    um = theta*u + (1.0-theta)*u0;
    ru=(u-u0)/k*p*dx - vm*p*dx
    rv=(v-v0)/k*q*dx + a*a*inner(grad(um),grad(q))*dx
    r = ru + rv;
    ue.t = t;
    ve.t = t;
    # Solve the wave equation (one time step)
    solve(r==0, w, bcs);
    # Visualize the solution
    pl, ax = plt.subplots();
    plot_compact(u, t, 0)
    # Shift to next timestep                                                     
    u0 = project(u, Q);
    v0 = project(v, Q);
    t += k;

But I cant reach a solution because of the following errors:

ERROR:root:File `'/home/fenics/'` not found.
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-38-99a5e4b57b9a> in <module>()
     45 # Define function spaces and functions
     46 Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1);
---> 47 W = Q * Q;
     48 h = CellSize(mesh);
     49 (p, q) = TestFunctions(W);

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'FunctionSpace' and 'FunctionSpace'

I am not very fluent using Python, but I’ve tried to look for information without any results

Thanks in advance

That syntax is deprecated. Mixed function spaces are now defined on an element level, see Can not multiply FunctionSpaces in current version

Thanks for your answer.
I resolved that problem but I found new ones.
Is there any way to ask the author to update the edX course? It is impossible to follow

I do not know the author, But feel free to Ask him.

Hi Ismaloza,
Were you able to solve the entire issue with the ‘wave equation’ script?
You feedback will be appreciated.