I am following the edX course High Performance Finite Element Modeling using the Google Colab Notebook. I am trying to execute the example code for Wave Equation:
%matplotlib inline
%run /home/fenics/fenics-matplotlib.py
from dolfin import *;
from mshr import *;
from IPython.display import display, clear_output;
import time
import logging; logging.getLogger('FFC').setLevel(logging.WARNING)
import numpy as np
# Compact plot utility function
def plot_compact(u, t, stepcounter):
if stepcounter % 5 == 0:
uEuclidnorm = project(u, Q);
fig = plt.gcf();
fig.set_size_inches(16, 2)
# Plot norm of velocity
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1);
# plt.axis(G)
# Plot mesh
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
plt.suptitle("Wave - t: %f" % (t));
# Define domain and mesh
XMIN, XMAX = -10., 10.;
YMIN, YMAX = -0.5, 0.5;
mresolution = 50;
mesh = generate_mesh(Rectangle(Point(G[0], G[2]), Point(G[1], G[3])), mresolution)
# Define function spaces and functions
Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1);
W = Q * Q;
h = CellSize(mesh);
(p, q) = TestFunctions(W);
w = Function(W);
(u, v) = (w[0], w[1]);
u0 = Function(Q);
v0 = Function(Q);
# Time interval and time step
t, T = 0., 5.;
k = 0.05;
a = 1;
# Define the Dirichlet boundary
def boundary(x, on_boundary):
return on_boundary
# Initial solution
option = 1;
if option==0:
ue = Expression("(1-pow(a*t-x[0],2))*exp(-pow(a*t-x[0],2)) + (1-pow(a*t+x[0],2))*exp(-pow(a*t+x[0],2))", a=a, t=0, domain=mesh);
ve = Expression("2*a*(a*t-x[0])*(pow(a*t-x[0],2)-2)*exp(-pow(a*t-x[0],2)) + 2*a*(a*t+x[0])*(pow(a*t+x[0],2)-2)*exp(-pow(a*t+x[0],2))", a=a, t=0, domain=mesh)
if option==1:
ue = Expression("(1-pow(a*t+x[0],2))*exp(-pow(a*t+x[0],2))", a=a, t=0, domain=mesh);
ve = Expression("2*a*(a*t+x[0])*(pow(a*t+x[0],2)-2)*exp(-pow(a*t+x[0],2))", a=a, t=0, domain=mesh)
# Boundary conditions
bcu = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), ue, boundary)
bcv = DirichletBC(W.sub(1), ve, boundary)
bcs = [bcu, bcv];
# Initial solution
u0 = ue;
v0 = ve;
# Time scheme parameter
theta = 0.5;
# Time-stepping loop
while t < T:
# Weak form of wave equation
vm = theta*v + (1.0-theta)*v0;
um = theta*u + (1.0-theta)*u0;
ru=(u-u0)/k*p*dx - vm*p*dx
rv=(v-v0)/k*q*dx + a*a*inner(grad(um),grad(q))*dx
r = ru + rv;
ue.t = t;
ve.t = t;
# Solve the wave equation (one time step)
solve(r==0, w, bcs);
# Visualize the solution
pl, ax = plt.subplots();
plot_compact(u, t, 0)
# Shift to next timestep
u0 = project(u, Q);
v0 = project(v, Q);
t += k;
But I cant reach a solution because of the following errors:
ERROR:root:File `'/home/fenics/fenics-matplotlib.py'` not found.
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-38-99a5e4b57b9a> in <module>()
45 # Define function spaces and functions
46 Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1);
---> 47 W = Q * Q;
48 h = CellSize(mesh);
49 (p, q) = TestFunctions(W);
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'FunctionSpace' and 'FunctionSpace'
I am not very fluent using Python, but I’ve tried to look for information without any results
Thanks in advance