Interpolation in mixed formulation

I am using fenics Ubuntu, please i am trying to interpolate the final solution onto a finer mesh in a mixed formulation. Here is my code for the final solution in which i want to interpolate but seems to not get it right.

u = Function(ME_coarse) # current solution
c, mu = u.split()

Step in time

t = 0.0

for j in range(N):

  t += dt

# RHS weak form of Convex splitting

  L =  (c0*q  + 3*((c0)**2)*v - 2*((c0)**3)*v)*dx

  solve(a == L, u)
  u.t = t
  u0.t = t
# Split mixed functions

  c0, mu0 = u0.split()

  c, mu   = u.split()

Would like to interpolate the final solution onto a new mesh which is ‘c and mu’

Please take some time to carefully format your question such that code snippets and mathematical formulae are correctly presented.

Furthermore construct a minimal working example as described here.

The more succinct your question, the more likely it is that people will be able to offer help.

Please would like to know how to interpolate the final solution (c and mu) onto a different mesh, i am using mixed formulation, i have my previous solution to be c0 and mu0 and my current solution is c and mu.

As i said in the previous post, we Need a minimal example that is executable by anyone on any computer. The code you have posted above does not have the necessary definitions to be executable.

This what i did for my error analysis but seems not to work and get error saying
TypeError: instance between mesh and mesh.

Error Analysis and Convergence

if (Nt > 1):
for l in range(1, len(ch)):
c_error = dot(ch[l-1]-ch[l], ch[l-1]-ch[l])*dx
c_error = sqrt(assemble(c_error))
mu_error = dot(muh[l-1]-muh[l], muh[l-1]-muh[l])*dx
mu_error = sqrt(assemble(mu_error))

    c_L2_error.append(c_error)# when dt is refined
    mu_L2_error.append(mu_error)# when dt is refined

for l in range(1, len(c_L2_error)):
c_rate = ln(c_L2_error[l-1]/c_L2_error[l])/ln(2)

mu_rate = ln(mu_L2_error[l-1]/mu_L2_error[l])/ln(2)

print (‘L2_error in c =’, c_L2_error)
print (‘L2_rate in c =’, c_L2_rate)

print (‘L2_error in mu =’, mu_L2_error)
print (‘L2_rate in mu =’, mu_L2_rate)

Please format your code with three ` on each side of your code
and make sure it is runnable.
This line c, mu = u.split(). is not complete.
Additionally, make the example as small as possible, removing all lines that are not needed for showing the issue (But the code has to be executable).

I believe its the formatting.

should be in the same line.