Numerical Error During Iteration Process

Hi, Dear FEniCS community,

I have recently encountered a numerical error issue while solving a convection-diffusion equation, and I am seeking some help from the community.

Here’s the situation: In the equation,

there are velocity and diffusion coefficient parameters. However, when I set both the velocity and diffusion coefficient to 0, I noticed that the solution value during the iteration process showed a slight deviation from the initial value.

I searched and found that FEniCS uses float64 precision, which provides 15 significant digits. However, the deviation I observed during the iteration process is around the order of e-14, which does not seem to be caused by float precision limitations.

This phenomenon confuses me, and I’m not sure what could be causing this numerical error. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone with knowledge in this area could help explain this. Any suggestions are welcome!

Below is a snippet of the code for reference:

from fenics import *
from Finite_element_method.fem_helper import assign_initial_conditions
from Finite_element_method.fem_helper import return_solutions
import random
import numpy as np
import copy

When both the speed and diffusion coefficient are set to 0, 
the comparison of the solution value with the initial value during the iteration process.

def fem_return_solutions():
    solution_matrix = []
    # parameters read
    r = 0
    f = 0
    dt = 0.0001
    row = 6
    col = 6
    if_keep_decimal_point = False
    #set the initial grid
    initial_grids = [[1 for j in range(row)] for i in range(col)]
    for i in range(2, 4):
        for j in range(2, 4):
            initial_grids[i][j] = 100
    current_grids = initial_grids

    inital_for_compare = np.array(copy.deepcopy(current_grids))
    # define velocity
    velocity_expression = Constant((0, 0))

    # Creating the grid and function space
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(row, col) # Here the range is from 0 to 1
    element = FiniteElement('P', triangle, 1)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, element)

    # Defining variables and testing functions

    c = TrialFunction(V)
    w = TestFunction(V)

    # Define c_n as a Function of the solution at the previous time step
    c_n = assign_initial_conditions(V, current_grids, row)

    current_solution = return_solutions(V, c_n, row, col, row, 0, if_keep_decimal_point,16)
    rmse_values_limited = np.sqrt(np.mean((np.array(current_solution) - inital_for_compare) ** 2, axis=(0, 1)))

    # define variation form
    diffusion_term = r * dot(grad(c), grad(w))
    convection_term = dot(velocity_expression, grad(c)) * w
    source_term = f * w
    F = ((c - c_n) / dt * w + convection_term + diffusion_term - source_term) * dx
    a, L = lhs(F), rhs(F)
    c = Function(V)

    # for every time step solve
    for n in range(10):

        velocity_expression.n = n
        solve(a == L, c)
        # update previous step solution

        current_solution = return_solutions(V, c_n, row, col, row, n+1, if_keep_decimal_point,16)
        rmse_values_limited = np.sqrt(np.mean((np.array(current_solution) - inital_for_compare) ** 2, axis=(0, 1)))
        print(f'rmse between initial condition and solutions in time step {n+1} is: ', rmse_values_limited)

    return solution_matrix

solutions = fem_return_solutions()

Run the code, we can get a slight deviation from the initial value:

There a lot of factors that could cause this. For instance: the fact that you are solving a linear system, or the fact that you are using quadrature rules to approximate integrals, or the fact that you are approximating the time derivative with a finite difference scheme.

Any basic book about the finite element method will explain this, and much more.

Thank you, Francesco. I see that various factors could be contributing to this issue.

Specifically, in the code above, I used a linear solver. However, when I switched to a nonlinear Newton solver (code provided below), the error disappeared under the same conditions (velocity = 0, diffusion coefficient = 0). I don’t quite understand why this happens, as I am solving a linear equation, and theoretically, a linear solver should be the most appropriate choice.

solve(F == 0, c, solver_parameters={
                "newton_solver": {
                    "absolute_tolerance": 1e-17
                    "relative_tolerance": 1e-17
                    "maximum_iterations": 500 

I will look into the topics you mentioned, such as using quadrature rules for approximating integrals and the finite difference scheme for the time derivative.

Could you please recommend a specific book on the finite element method that covers these topics in more detail? I want to make sure I’m on the right track to understanding and resolving this numerical error.

Thanks a lot!

Please note that you are using several helper functions that you have not specified

which means that this is not a reproducible example.
One thing that I would like to clarify is:

  • Are you saying that if you are solving the problem F = (c - c_n) / dt, F==0, you get c\neq c_n?

yes, but very very little different, approximately 10^-7. I assume this is the solver numerical error