I am using fenics-2019.1.0
on Ubuntu 18.04.
I have a vertical 2D beam on which I want to define PointSource loads at specific points on the mesh.
When the code is run in parallel (for example 2 processors), FEniCS decomposes the domain in such a way:
I define PointSource’s on select points of the mesh using this minimum working example code:
from fenics import Point, PointSource, SubDomain, RectangleMesh, vertices, VectorFunctionSpace
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
H = 1
W = 0.1
tol = 1E-14
class neumannBoundary(SubDomain):
def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
tol = 1E-14
if on_boundary and ((abs(x[1] - 1) < tol) or abs(abs(x[0]) - W / 2) < tol):
return True
return False
rank = comm.Get_rank()
# create Mesh
n_x_Direction = 1
n_y_Direction = 10
mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(-W / 2, 0), Point(W / 2, H), n_x_Direction, n_y_Direction)
boundary = neumannBoundary()
fenics_coords = []
for v in vertices(mesh):
if boundary.inside(v.point(), True):
fenics_coords.append([v.x(0), v.x(1)])
fenics_coords = np.array(fenics_coords)
n_vertices, _ = fenics_coords.shape
# create Function Space
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', 2)
# Dummy nodal data to assign as PointSource value
nodal_data = np.zeros_like(fenics_coords)
# Define PointSource for all points on coupling boundary
vertices_x = fenics_coords[:, 0]
vertices_y = fenics_coords[:, 1]
x_forces = dict()
y_forces = dict()
for i in range(n_vertices):
px, py = vertices_x[i], vertices_y[i]
key = (px, py)
x_forces[key] = PointSource(V.sub(0), Point(px, py), nodal_data[i, 0])
y_forces[key] = PointSource(V.sub(1), Point(px, py), nodal_data[i, 1])
print("Rank {}: Definition of PointSource's is successful".format(rank))
The code runs fine in serial by: python3 <filename>
but when run in parallel: mpirun -np 2 python3 <filename>
the code hangs. I observed that if I define the mesh with only one element in the X-direction then the code runs fine. As soon as I have multiple elements in the X-direction and I try to define a PointSource on them, the code hangs.
What could be the possible problem?
Thanks for your help!