Problem with Mixed-dimensional branch - Error: Unable to evaluate function at point

Hi all,

I’m interested on modelling an electrolytic pickling process. The mathematical description of this problem is the following. Consider the geometry:


I would like to solve:
\nabla \cdot (-k_i\nabla u) = 0 \hspace{1.4cm} \text{in } \Omega_i; \quad i = 1, 2
\hspace{.65cm} - k\nabla u \cdot \nu = g(u) \hspace{.75cm} \text{in } \partial \Omega
\hspace{.75cm} [k\nabla u \cdot \nu] = 0 \hspace{1.38cm} \text{in } \Gamma_I
\hspace{.65cm}- k\nabla u \cdot \nu = h([u]) \quad \text{in } \Gamma_I

With \nu pointing towards \Omega_2 and where both g(u) and h([u]) are nonlinear functions on their respective arguments. In particular I have in mind functions of the form:

g(u) = \begin{cases} i_{a,0}\exp(\alpha_a(U_a - u - E_{a,eq})) && \text{in } \Gamma_a \\ -i_{c,0}\exp(-\alpha_c(U_c - u - E_{c,eq})) && \text{in } \Gamma_c \\ 0 && \text{otherwise} \end{cases}


h([u]) = \begin{cases} i_{a,0}^*\exp(\alpha_a^*([u] - E_{a,eq})) && \text{if } [u] \ge E_{a,eq}\\ -i_{c,0}^*\exp(-\alpha_c^*([u] - E_{c,eq})) && \text{if } [u] \le E_{c,eq} \\ 0 && \text{otherwise} \end{cases}

I attempted to solve this problem by employing the (I think) equivalent weak formulation: Find (u_1, u_2, i_a, i_c, i) \in W:

\int_{\Omega_1} k_1\nabla u_1 \cdot \nabla v_1dx + \int_{\Gamma_I} iv_1 ds = 0

\int_{\Omega_2} k_2\nabla u_2 \cdot \nabla v_2dx - \int_{\Gamma_I} iv_2 ds - \int_{\Gamma_a} i_av_2ds - \int_{\Gamma_c} i_cv_2= 0

\int_{\Gamma_I}i\eta ds = \int_{\Gamma_I}h(u_1 - u_2)\eta ds

\int_{\Gamma_a}i_a\eta_ads = \int_{\Gamma_a}g(u_2)\eta_ads

\int_{\Gamma_c}i_c\eta_cds = \int_{\Gamma_c}g(u_2)\eta_cds

for any (v_1, v_2, \eta_a, \eta_c, \eta) \in W

I attempted to implement it by using the Mixed-dimensional branch by ceciledc, with the following code:

from fenics import *
from mshr import *
import logging

k_0 = 1e7
k_1 = 10
i_anode_0 = 5e-5
i_cath_0 = 7.9e-4
i_an_b_0 = 5e-10
i_ca_b_0 = 3.2e-3
alpha_a = 13.54  
alpha_c = 16.33  
alpha_a_b = 28.27         
alpha_c_b = 13.14
U = 8.65
E_a_eq = 0.82
E_c_eq = -0.41

#Creation of mesh
background = Rectangle(Point(0,0), Point(0.3,0.07))
steel = Rectangle(Point(0,0), Point(0.3,0.01))
anode = Rectangle(Point(0.025,0.025), Point(0.125,0.035))
cathode = Rectangle(Point(0.175,0.025), Point(0.275,0.035))
electrolyte = background - steel - anode - cathode
domain = steel + electrolyte
domain.set_subdomain(1, electrolyte)
mesh = generate_mesh(domain, 16)

#Define subdomains
class Gamma_a(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and between(x[0], [0.025, 0.125]) and between(x[1], [0.025, 0.035])

class Gamma_c(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and between(x[0], [0.175, 0.275]) and between(x[1], [0.025, 0.035])

class Gamma_I(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return near(x[1], 0.01)

class Omega_0(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return x[1] <= 0.01

class Omega_1(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return x[1] >= 0.01

#Initializate subdomains instances
gamma_a = Gamma_a()
gamma_c = Gamma_c()
gamma_I = Gamma_I()
omega_0 = Omega_0()
omega_1 = Omega_1()

#Creation of facet and cell markers and marking of mesh elements
facet_marker = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1) 
gamma_a.mark(facet_marker, 1)
gamma_c.mark(facet_marker, 2)
gamma_I.mark(facet_marker, 3)

cell_marker = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim())
omega_0.mark(cell_marker, 0)
omega_1.mark(cell_marker, 1)

xdmffile = XDMFFile('mesh_function.xdmf')

#Definition of new meshes
mesh_0 = MeshView.create(cell_marker, 0)
mesh_1 = MeshView.create(cell_marker, 1)
mesh_a = MeshView.create(facet_marker, 1)
mesh_c = MeshView.create(facet_marker, 2)
mesh_I = MeshView.create(facet_marker, 3)

#Definition of measures
dx0 = Measure("dx", domain=mesh_0)
dx1 = Measure("dx", domain=mesh_1)
dxa = Measure("dx", domain=mesh_a)
dxc = Measure("dx", domain=mesh_c)
dxI = Measure("dx", domain=mesh_I)

#Definition of function space, trial and test functions
V0 = FunctionSpace(mesh_0, "CG", 2)
V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh_1, "CG", 2)
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh_a, "CG", 2)
V3 = FunctionSpace(mesh_c, "CG", 2)
V4 = FunctionSpace(mesh_I, "CG", 2)
W = MixedFunctionSpace(V0, V1, V2, V3, V4)
u = Function(W)
(u0, u1, ia, ic, i) = u.split()
(v0, v1, ea, ec, e) = TestFunctions(W)

#Definition of tafel law
def i_tafel(i0, alpha, eta): 
    return i0*exp(alpha*eta)

#Preliminary expressions
eta_O2 = u0 - u1 - E_a_eq
eta_H2 = u0 - u1 - E_c_eq
H_O2 = conditional(le(eta_O2, 0), 0, 1)
H_H2 = conditional(ge(eta_H2, 0), 0, 1)
i_anode = i_tafel(i_anode_0, alpha_a, U*.5 - u1 - E_a_eq)
i_cathode = i_tafel(-i_cath_0, -alpha_c, -U*.5 - u1 - E_c_eq)
i_strip_a = i_tafel(i_an_b_0, alpha_a_b, eta_O2)
i_strip_c = i_tafel(-i_ca_b_0, -alpha_c_b, eta_H2)
i_interface = i_strip_a*H_O2 + i_strip_c*H_H2

#Variational formulation
int_Omega = inner(k_0*grad(u0),grad(v0))*dx0 + inner(k_1*grad(u1),grad(v1))*dx1
int_anode = ia*(ea - v1)*dxa - i_anode*ea*dxa
int_cathode = ic*(ec - v1)*dxc - i_cathode*ec*dxc
int_interface = i*(v0 - v1 + e)*dxI - i_interface*e*dxI

Res = int_Omega + int_anode + int_cathode + int_interface                                                

#Solution of the system
solve(Res == 0, u)
(u0, u1, ia, ic, i) = u.split()

But I get the following error message:

Error:   Unable to evaluate function at point.
*** Reason:  The point is not inside the domain. Consider calling 
    "Function::set_allow_extrapolation(true)" on this Function to allow extrapolation.

Any idea what the problem might be? I don’t see why there might be an evaluation of a function outside its domain.

P.S. I’m using the docker container of the mixed-dimensional branch:latest in Windows 10.

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Please follow the guidelines on how to make a minimal working example.
There are many things that can be removed from your code, with still giving this error,

from fenics import *
from mshr import *
import logging

#Creation of mesh
background = Rectangle(Point(0,0), Point(0.3,0.07))
steel = Rectangle(Point(0,0), Point(0.3,0.01))
anode = Rectangle(Point(0.025,0.025), Point(0.125,0.035))
cathode = Rectangle(Point(0.175,0.025), Point(0.275,0.035))
electrolyte = background - steel - anode - cathode
domain = steel + electrolyte
domain.set_subdomain(1, electrolyte)
mesh = generate_mesh(domain, 5)

#Define subdomains
class Gamma_a(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return on_boundary and between(x[0], [0.025, 0.125]) and between(x[1], [0.025, 0.035])

class Omega_1(SubDomain):
    def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
        return x[1] >= 0.01

#Initializate subdomains instances
gamma_a = Gamma_a()
omega_1 = Omega_1()

#Creation of facet and cell markers and marking of mesh elements
facet_marker = MeshFunction('size_t', mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1)
gamma_a.mark(facet_marker, 1)

cell_marker = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim())
omega_1.mark(cell_marker, 1)

xdmffile = XDMFFile('facet_function.xdmf')

xdmffile = XDMFFile('mesh_function.xdmf')

#Definition of new meshes
mesh_1 = MeshView.create(cell_marker, 1)
mesh_a = MeshView.create(facet_marker, 1)

#Definition of measures
dx1 = Measure("dx", domain=mesh_1)
dxa = Measure("dx", domain=mesh_a)

#Definition of function space, trial and test functions
V1 = FunctionSpace(mesh_1, "CG", 2)
V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh_a, "CG", 2)
W = MixedFunctionSpace(V1, V2)
u = Function(W)
(u1, ia) = u.split()
(v1, ea) = TestFunctions(W)

xdmffile = XDMFFile("u1.xdmf").write(u1)
xdmffile = XDMFFile("ia.xdmf").write(ia)

Res = inner(u1,v1)*dx1 + inner(u1,ea)*dxa

#Solution of the system
solve(Res == 0, u)
(u0, u1) = u.split()


I have been able to reproduce your problem using the minimal working example provided by @dokken, and I also encourage you to follow the guidelines on how to make such MWEs, since that’s easier for people to help you.

It came out that the evaluation of the Function at point was not properly using the mappings between submeshes. There is indeed no evaluation of the function outside its domain. This should now be fixed in the last version of the branch and in the corresponding Docker container (mixed-dimensional branch:latest).


I apology for my code snippet. As @dokken showed, it was not an adequate MWE. I will be more careful on my next post. Thank you very much @cdaversin for the quick solution, it worked :slight_smile: