Resolution of the wave equation using Runge-Kutta

I’m currently trying to implement a 4 steps Runge-Kutta method to solve the wave equation \partial^2_{tt} p = c_0^2 \nabla^2 p.
To deal with the second derivative, I’ve introduced the acoustic velocity v which leads to
\begin{cases} \partial_t p = v \\ \partial_t v = c_0^2 \nabla^2 p \end{cases}.

Applying Runge-Kutta, gives me the expressions \Delta p and \Delta v representing the change in pressure and velocity for a time step \Delta t such that
\Delta p = \frac{\Delta t}{6}(c_1 + 2 c_2 + 2 c_3 + c_4)
\Delta v = \frac{\Delta t}{6}(k_1 + 2 k_2 + 2 k_3 + k_4)
c_1 = v, ~~~ k_1 = c_0^2 \nabla^2 p \\ c_2 = v + \frac{\Delta t \, k_1}{2}, ~~~ k_2 = c_0^2 \nabla^2(p + \frac{\Delta t \, k_1}{2}) \\ c_3 = v + \frac{\Delta t \, k_2}{2}, ~~~ k_3 = c_0^2 \nabla^2 (p + \frac{\Delta t \, k_2}{2}) \\ c_4 = v + \Delta t \, k_3, ~~~ k_4 = c_0^2 \nabla^2(p + \Delta t \, k_3)

I’m not sure how to approach the time stepping procedure so my latest guess is to setup a solver for each Runge-Kutta steps to solve for the coefficients k_n using the the variational formulation
a = c_0^2 \langle \nabla p, \nabla q \rangle dx \\ L = \langle k_n, q \rangle dx
with q the test function.
I have strong doutes about this and as it is I get a Arity Mismatch error when trying tho assemble the A matrix for the second step:

ArityMismatch                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-cb4d58e0e176> in <module>
     69 L2 = ufl.inner(rk_k[1], q)*ufl.dx # ufl.rhs(F2)
     70 # Convert a to the matrix form
---> 71 A2 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a2, bcs=bc_p)
     72 A2.assemble()
     73 b2 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L2)


ArityMismatch: Adding expressions with non-matching form arguments () vs ('v_1',).

Do you have any suggestions on the proper way to deal with this?

Here is my code for now:

import dolfinx, gmsh, gmsh_helpers, ufl, time, os
from petsc4py import PETSc
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np

# Physical quantities
tx_freq = 200e3 # Hz
c0 = 1481 # m.s-1
omega = 2*np.pi*tx_freq
wave_len = c0 / tx_freq

# Transducer properties
tx_radius = 15e-2
tx_aperture_radius = 15e-2
alpha_aperture = np.arcsin(tx_aperture_radius / (2*tx_radius))

# Domain parameters
topology_dim = 2
dims = (20e-2, 20e-2)
tx_marker, boundary_marker, ac_domain_marker = 1, 2, 3

# Spatial discretisation parameters
degree = 3
n_wave = 5
h_elem = wave_len / n_wave

# Temporal discretisation parameters
CFL = .5 #.5
dt = (CFL * h_elem) / c0
simulation_duration = 15e-5
t_mesh = np.arange(0, simulation_duration, dt)
n_rk_steps = 4

Mesh Generation

As a first trial I’m trying the method on a simple rectangular domain where a varying pressure is enforced on the left most boundary.


model = gmsh.model

# Points defining the geometry of the domain
points = []
# Corners of the acoustic domain
rect_domain_geom = [[0., -1/2], [1., -1/2], [1., 1/2], [0., 1/2]]
for rect_geom in rect_domain_geom:
    points.append(model.geo.addPoint(*[gg*dd for gg, dd in zip(rect_geom, dims)],0, meshSize=h_elem, tag=len(points)))

# Lines defining the limits of the domain
lines = []
# Acoustic domain boundaries
for pt in points:
    lines.append(model.geo.addLine(points[pt], points[(pt+1)%4]))

# Junction of the individual boubaries and definition of the acoustic domain surface
curveloop = model.geo.addCurveLoop(lines)
domain = model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curveloop])

# This command is mandatory and synchronize CAD with GMSH Model. The less you launch it, the better it is for performance purpose

# Assigns the various geometry elements to physical groups
gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(1, [lines[-1]], tx_marker)
gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(1, tx_marker, "Tx")
gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(1, lines[:-1], boundary_marker)
gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(1, boundary_marker, "Domain boundary")
gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, [domain], ac_domain_marker)
gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(2, ac_domain_marker, "Acoustic domain")

# Mesh generation and

# Gmsh to dolfinx mesh
mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags = gmsh_helpers.gmsh_model_to_mesh(model, cell_data=True, facet_data=True, gdim=topology_dim)

# Finalize GMSH

# %% --- Variational problem ---

v_cg1 = ufl.FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
p_cg1 = ufl.FiniteElement("CG", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
V = dolfinx.FunctionSpace(mesh, v_cg1)
P = dolfinx.FunctionSpace(mesh, p_cg1)

v = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
u = ufl.TestFunction(V)
p = ufl.TrialFunction(P)
q = ufl.TestFunction(P)

Boundary conditions

While the end goal will be to be able to set boundary condition of the velocity, I’m temporarily setting the the pressure to zero at the edges of the acoustic domain to avoid mixing the pressure and velocity function spaces during the debug phase.

# Retreive the transducer facet indexes to apply the bc later on
tx_facets = facet_tags.indices[facet_tags.values == tx_marker]
tx_dofs = dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_topological(P, topology_dim - 1, tx_facets)
p_source = dolfinx.Function(P)
tt = 0 # Time = 0
with p_source.vector.localForm() as loc:
tx_bc = dolfinx.DirichletBC(p_source, tx_dofs)

boundary_facets = facet_tags.indices[facet_tags.values == boundary_marker]
boundary_dofs = dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_topological(P, topology_dim - 1, boundary_facets)
v_boundary = dolfinx.Function(P) # Temporary: setting the pressure = 0 on the boundary
with v_boundary.vector.localForm() as loc:
    loc.set(0) # Rigid wall -> velocity = 0 at the boundary
boundary_bc = dolfinx.DirichletBC(v_boundary, boundary_dofs)

# Temporary: setting the pressure = 0 on the boundary
bc_v = []
bc_p = [tx_bc, boundary_bc]

# TODO: use n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh) to impose a boundary displacement velocity

# Rung Kutta coefficients
rk_c = [dolfinx.Function(V) for ii in range(n_rk_steps)]
rk_k = [dolfinx.Function(P) for ii in range(n_rk_steps)]

v_sol = dolfinx.Function(V)
with v_sol.vector.localForm() as loc:
p_sol = dolfinx.Function(P)
with p_sol.vector.localForm() as loc:

ufl_f = dolfinx.Constant(mesh, 0)
ufl_c0 = dolfinx.Constant(mesh, c0)

Solvers setup for each RK steps

# Step 1 solver setup

a1 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p), ufl.grad(q))*ufl.dx
L1 = ufl.inner(rk_k[0], q)*ufl.dx
# Convert a to the matrix form
A1 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a1, bcs=bc_p)
b1 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L1)
# Create the linear solver using PETSc
step1_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())

# Step 2 solver setup

a2 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p + (dt*rk_c[0])/2), ufl.grad(q))*ufl.dx
L2 = ufl.inner(rk_k[1], q)*ufl.dx
# Convert a to the matrix form
A2 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a2, bcs=bc_p)
b2 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L2)
# Create the linear solver using PETSc
step2_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())

# Step 3 solver setup

a3 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p + (dt*rk_c[1])/2), ufl.grad(q)) * ufl.dx
L3 = ufl.inner(rk_k[2], q)*ufl.dx
# Convert a to the matrix form
A3 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a3, bcs=bc_p)
b3 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L3)
# Create the linear solver using PETSc
step3_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())

# Step 4 solver setup

a4 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p + dt*rk_c[2]), ufl.grad(q)) * ufl.dx
L4 = ufl.inner(rk_k[3], q)*ufl.dx
# Convert a to the matrix form
A4 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a4, bcs=bc_p)
b4 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L4)
# Create the linear solver using PETSc
step4_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())

Time stepping loop

xdmf_file =, "RK4_plane_wave.xdmf", "w")

for ii, tt in enumerate(t_mesh): #enumerate(tqdm(t_mesh)):

    # Compute the pressure at the transducer surface & update BCs
    with p_source.vector.localForm() as loc:
    tx_bc = dolfinx.DirichletBC(p_source, tx_dofs)
    bc_p = [tx_bc] # , boundary_bc

    # RK step 1 @ t

    # Update c1 = v
    with rk_c[0].vector.localForm() as rk_c_loc, v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc:
    # Update the right hand side reusing the initial vector
    with b1.localForm() as loc_b:
    dolfinx.fem.assemble_vector(b1, L1)
    # Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
    dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting(b1, [a1], [bc_p])
    b1.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    dolfinx.fem.set_bc(b1, bc_p)
    # Solve linear problem
    step1_solver.solve(b1, rk_k[0].vector)[0].x)

    # RK step 2 @ t + dt/2

    # Update c2 = v + (dt*k1)/2
    with rk_c[1].vector.localForm() as rk_c_loc, rk_k[0].vector.localForm() as rk_k_loc, v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc:
        (v_loc + (dt*rk_k_loc) / 2).copy(rk_c_loc)
    # Update the right hand side reusing the initial vector
    with b2.localForm() as loc_b:
    dolfinx.fem.assemble_vector(b2, L2)
    # Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
    dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting(b2, [a2], [bc_p])
    b2.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    dolfinx.fem.set_bc(b2, bc_p)
    # Solve linear problem
    step2_solver.solve(b2, rk_k[1].vector)[1].x)

    # RK step 3 @ t + dt/2

    # Update c3 = v + (dt*k2)/2
    with rk_c[2].vector.localForm() as rk_c_loc, rk_k[1].vector.localForm() as rk_k_loc, v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc:
        (v_loc + (dt*rk_k_loc) / 2).copy(rk_c_loc)
    # Update the right hand side reusing the initial vector
    with b3.localForm() as loc_b:
    dolfinx.fem.assemble_vector(b3, L3)
    # Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
    dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting(b3, [a3], [bc_p])
    b3.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    dolfinx.fem.set_bc(b3, bc_p)
    # Solve linear problem
    step3_solver.solve(b3, rk_k[2].vector)[2].x)

    # RK step 4 @ t + dt

    # Update c4 = v + dt*k3
    with rk_c[3].vector.localForm() as rk_c_loc, rk_k[2].vector.localForm() as rk_k_loc, v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc:
        (v_loc + dt*rk_k_loc).copy(rk_c_loc)
    # Update the right hand side reusing the initial vector
    with b4.localForm() as loc_b:
    dolfinx.fem.assemble_vector(b4, L4)
    # Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
    dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting(b4, [a4], [bc_p])
    b4.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    dolfinx.fem.set_bc(b4, bc_p)
    # Solve linear problem
    step4_solver.solve(b4, rk_k[3].vector)[3].x)

    # Combine coefficients c_n & k_n and update the de pressure & velocity

    with p_sol.vector.localForm() as p_loc, rk_c[0].vector.localForm() as c1, rk_c[1].vector.localForm() as c2, rk_c[2].vector.localForm() as c3, rk_c[3].vector.localForm() as c4:
         (p_loc + dt * (c1 + 2*c2 + 2*c3 + c4) / 6).copy(p_loc)

    with v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc, rk_k[0].vector.localForm() as k1, rk_k[1].vector.localForm() as k2, rk_k[2].vector.localForm() as k3, rk_k[3].vector.localForm() as k4:
        (v_loc + dt * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4) / 6).copy(v_loc) = "pressure"
    xdmf_file.write_function(p_sol, tt)


Hi Tom,

I am not absolutely sure if this will work as I could not read your code fully but you can try writting a full residual for the problem as lhs -rhs and letting UFL separate the linear and bilinear part. So for example in the first step of the RK solver:

residual1 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p), ufl.grad(q))*ufl.dx - ufl.inner(rk_k[0], q)*ufl.dx
a1 = lhs(residual)
L1 = rhs(residual)

and then assemble the problem. I hope this helps.


1 Like

Thanks for your help I will definitely have look into this! I’m still newcomer to this field though, so if by any chance you have an complete example of this kind of implementation lying around, I would be more than happy check it out.

Best regards


Hi Tom, I am no expert either but in my experience arity mismatch errors come from the fact that the form:

a(u,v) = L(v) \leftrightarrow F = 0 \\ \text{where}\\ F \equiv a(u,v) - L (v)

asumes the left hand side term is a bilinear form and L is a linear form. In this case, in Fenics you have to define u as a TestFunction and v as a TrialFunction which I think you did correctly. Usually it is enough to write a and L separately and then assemble the matrix for both sides separately but it is common to misidentify what part in your problem is linear and what part is bilinear. So in the problem above lhs(F) would return a(u,v) and rhs(F) would return L. In this tutorial you have a brief explanation from equation 74 onwards, someone here had a similar problem.

About the implementation of the RK timestepping using UFL’s replace function might be useful, you can take a look at the timestepping part of this Firedrake tutorial.


Ok thanks for the feedback. I actually did a test at some point using

F1 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p), ufl.grad(q))*ufl.dx - ufl.inner(rk_k[0], q)*ufl.dx
a1 = ufl.lhs(F1)
L1 = ufl.rhs(F1)

however while the ArityMismatch error did disappeared, the pressure field I obtained ended up being constant relative to space.
Here is the full code if you are curious: FEniCS-Trials/ at main · Tomaubier/FEniCS-Trials · GitHub

Regarding Firedrake I’ve since transitioned to it and obtained some encouraging preliminary results. The fact that I’m unable to make this dolfinx version of the code work is quite frustrating though…

As your code is far away from a minimal code, it reduces the likelihood of anyone being able to help you. Could you try to use a built in mesh and write up your code?

Also, Have you had a look at my dolfinx tutorial?
It covers most aspects of solving PDEs in dolfinx

1 Like

Here is a slightly simplified version, I’ve replaced the mesh generation part with the built-in UnitSquareMesh function. The rest of the code isn’t really compact I’m sorry but I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it significantly shorter…

import dolfinx, gmsh, ufl, time, os
from petsc4py import PETSc
from dolfinx import io
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np

# Physical quantities
tx_freq = 10e3 # Hz
c0 = 1481 # m.s-1
omega = 2*np.pi*tx_freq
wave_len = c0 / tx_freq

# Spatial discretisation parameters
degree = 3
n_wave = 10
h_elem = wave_len / n_wave

# Temporal discretisation parameters
CFL = .5
dt = (CFL * h_elem) / c0
simulation_duration = 5e-3
t_mesh = np.arange(0, simulation_duration, dt)
n_rk_steps = 4

# --- Mesh generation ---

mesh = dolfinx.UnitSquareMesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, int(1/h_elem), int(1/h_elem)) #, dolfinx.cpp.mesh.CellType.quadrilateral)
# help(dolfinx.UnitSquareMesh)
# --- Check the CFL (Courant Friecrishs Lewy) value for the discretization ---

print(f'ndt_wave = {1/(tx_freq * dt):.0f}')
print(f'The scheme {"should be" if CFL <= np.pi/2 else "is not"} stable as CFL = {CFL:.2f} {"<=" if CFL <= np.pi/2 else ">"} pi/2.')

# %% --- Variational problem ---

V = dolfinx.FunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", degree))
P = dolfinx.FunctionSpace(mesh, ("Lagrange", degree))

v = ufl.TrialFunction(V)
u = ufl.TestFunction(V)
p = ufl.TrialFunction(P)
q = ufl.TestFunction(P)

# --- Boundary Conditions ---

def tx_boundary(x):
    return np.isclose(x[0], 0)

tx_dofs = dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_geometrical(V, tx_boundary)
p_source = dolfinx.Function(P)
with p_source.vector.localForm() as loc:
    loc.set(1) #np.sin(omega*0))
tx_bc = dolfinx.DirichletBC(p_source, tx_dofs)

def wall_boundary(x):
    return np.logical_or(np.isclose(x[0], 1), np.logical_or(np.isclose(x[1],0), np.isclose(x[1],1)))

wall_dofs = dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_geometrical(V, wall_boundary)
v_wall = dolfinx.Function(V)
with v_wall.vector.localForm() as loc:
wall_bc = dolfinx.DirichletBC(v_wall, wall_dofs)

bc_v = [wall_bc]
bc_p = [tx_bc]

# TODO: use n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh) to impose a boundary displacement velocity

rk_c = [dolfinx.Function(V) for ii in range(n_rk_steps)]
rk_k = [dolfinx.Function(P) for ii in range(n_rk_steps)]

ufl_f = dolfinx.Constant(mesh, 0)
ufl_c0 = dolfinx.Constant(mesh, c0)

v_sol = dolfinx.Function(V)
with v_sol.vector.localForm() as loc:
p_sol = dolfinx.Function(P)
with p_sol.vector.localForm() as loc:

Solver setup for each Runge Kutta steps

# Step 1 solver setup

F1 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p), ufl.grad(q))*ufl.dx - ufl.inner(rk_k[0], q)*ufl.dx
a1 = ufl.lhs(F1)
L1 = ufl.rhs(F1)
# Convert a to the matrix form
A1 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a1, bcs=bc_p)
b1 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L1)
# Create the linear solver using PETSc
step1_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())

# Step 2 solver setup

F2 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p + (dt*rk_c[0])/2), ufl.grad(q))*ufl.dx - ufl.inner(rk_k[1], q)*ufl.dx
a2 = ufl.lhs(F2)
L2 = ufl.rhs(F2)
# Convert a to the matrix form
A2 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a2, bcs=bc_p)
b2 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L2)
# Create the linear solver using PETSc
step2_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())

# Step 3 solver setup

F3 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p + (dt*rk_c[1])/2), ufl.grad(q)) * ufl.dx - ufl.inner(rk_k[2], q)*ufl.dx
a3 = ufl.lhs(F3)
L3 = ufl.rhs(F3)
# Convert a to the matrix form
A3 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a3, bcs=bc_p)
b3 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L3)
# Create the linear solver using PETSc
step3_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())

# Step 4 solver setup

F4 = ufl_c0**2 * ufl.inner(ufl.grad(p + dt*rk_c[2]), ufl.grad(q)) * ufl.dx - ufl.inner(rk_k[3], q)*ufl.dx
a4 = ufl.lhs(F4)
L4 = ufl.rhs(F4)
# Convert a to the matrix form
A4 = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(a4, bcs=bc_p)
b4 = dolfinx.fem.create_vector(L4)
# Create the linear solver using PETSc
step4_solver = PETSc.KSP().create(mesh.mpi_comm())

Time stepping loop

xdmf_file =, "RK4_minimal_plane_wave.xdmf", "w")

for ii, tt in enumerate(t_mesh):

    # Compute the pressure at the transducer surface & update BCs
    with p_source.vector.localForm() as loc:
    tx_bc = dolfinx.DirichletBC(p_source, tx_dofs)
    bc_p = [tx_bc]

    # RK step 1 @ t

    # Update c1 = v
    with rk_c[0].vector.localForm() as rk_c_loc, v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc:
    # Update the right hand side reusing the initial vector
    with b1.localForm() as loc_b:
    dolfinx.fem.assemble_vector(b1, L1)
    # Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
    dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting(b1, [a1], [bc_p])
    b1.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    dolfinx.fem.set_bc(b1, bc_p)
    # Solve linear problem
    step1_solver.solve(b1, rk_k[0].vector)[0].x)

    # RK step 2 @ t + dt/2

    # Update c2 = v + (dt*k1)/2
    with rk_c[1].vector.localForm() as rk_c_loc, rk_k[0].vector.localForm() as rk_k_loc, v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc:
        (v_loc + (dt*rk_k_loc) / 2).copy(rk_c_loc)
    # Update the right hand side reusing the initial vector
    with b2.localForm() as loc_b:
    dolfinx.fem.assemble_vector(b2, L2)
    # Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
    dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting(b2, [a2], [bc_p])
    b2.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    dolfinx.fem.set_bc(b2, bc_p)
    # Solve linear problem
    step2_solver.solve(b2, rk_k[1].vector)[1].x)

    # RK step 3 @ t + dt/2

    # Update c3 = v + (dt*k2)/2
    with rk_c[2].vector.localForm() as rk_c_loc, rk_k[1].vector.localForm() as rk_k_loc, v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc:
        (v_loc + (dt*rk_k_loc) / 2).copy(rk_c_loc)
    # Update the right hand side reusing the initial vector
    with b3.localForm() as loc_b:
    dolfinx.fem.assemble_vector(b3, L3)
    # Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
    dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting(b3, [a3], [bc_p])
    b3.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    dolfinx.fem.set_bc(b3, bc_p)
    # Solve linear problem
    step3_solver.solve(b3, rk_k[2].vector)[2].x)

    # RK step 4 @ t + dt

    # Update c4 = v + dt*k3
    with rk_c[3].vector.localForm() as rk_c_loc, rk_k[2].vector.localForm() as rk_k_loc, v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc:
        (v_loc + dt*rk_k_loc).copy(rk_c_loc)
    # Update the right hand side reusing the initial vector
    with b4.localForm() as loc_b:
    dolfinx.fem.assemble_vector(b4, L4)
    # Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the vector
    dolfinx.fem.apply_lifting(b4, [a4], [bc_p])
    b4.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
    dolfinx.fem.set_bc(b4, bc_p)
    # Solve linear problem
    step4_solver.solve(b4, rk_k[3].vector)[3].x)

    # Combine coeficients c_n & k_n to update the de pressure & velocity

    with p_sol.vector.localForm() as p_loc, rk_c[0].vector.localForm() as c1, rk_c[1].vector.localForm() as c2, rk_c[2].vector.localForm() as c3, rk_c[3].vector.localForm() as c4:
         (p_loc + dt * (c1 + 2*c2 + 2*c3 + c4) / 6).copy(p_loc)

    with v_sol.vector.localForm() as v_loc, rk_k[0].vector.localForm() as k1, rk_k[1].vector.localForm() as k2, rk_k[2].vector.localForm() as k3, rk_k[3].vector.localForm() as k4:
        (v_loc + dt * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4) / 6).copy(v_loc)

    if ii%10 == 0: = "pressure"
        xdmf_file.write_function(p_sol, tt)
