I am working with fenicsx version 0.4.1 installed through Conda. I need to impose dirichlet bc on groups of boundaries which have been identified in the gmsh code as follows:
#bounday numbers identified by visual inspection
inner_bnd = [27, 28, 29, 30]
outer_bnd = [31, 32, 33 ,34]
boundaries = [inner_bnd, outer_bnd]
for k, boundary in enumerate(boundaries):
gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(1, boundary, tag = k+1) # create the main group/node
However, I am unable to set dirichlet boundary condition by referring to the groups through their tags 1 and 2. I managed to find some discussions around it but they are all using the legacy version. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out on this or point me to a tutorial that addresses it.
Thanks a lot