Transitioning from Triangle -> GMSH -> XDMF


I am quite new to mesh generation and dolfinx, so I apologize if this is a somewhat trivial matter. If anyone has any suggestions or tips, that would be greatly appreciated.

Goal: Convert 2D triangulization meshes created by Triangle into mesh and facet XDMF files which can then be used with dolfinx for a variety of BVPs.

Current Approach: I am currently parsing the .poly, .node, and .ele files generated by Triangle into a python dictionary. Then, using pygmsh and meshio, I am creating a .msh file from the information extracted into the python dictionary. Finally, I am converting the .msh file into two XDMF files (one for facets in order to define boundary conditions later) using the create_mesh() function defined here.

Current Issue: Currently, a .msh file and two XDMF files are being generated from my code. Using paraview and gmsh, I am able to check that the meshes do at least seem to be created correctly (i.e. they look the same as the original triangle mesh). However, I am running into several errors (bad file descriptor or value error: vector) when trying to read the XDMF files as described in the " Defining subdomains for different materials" tutorial by Jørgen S. Dokken. Specifically, I am having trouble with the read_meshtags function.


import meshio 
import pygmsh
import gmsh 
import pyvista
import numpy as np
import collections

def read_triangle(poly_file, ele_file, node_file = None):
    simple poly-file reader, that creates a python dictionary 
    with information about vertices, edges and holes.
    it assumes that vertices have no attributes
    no regional attributes or area constraints are parsed.

    if verticies are not given in the poly-file, they must be given in a node-file.
    if node-file is not given, and vertices are not given in the poly-file, the function will search for a node-file with the same name as the poly-file, but with the extension .node
    output = {'vertices': None, 'holes': None, 'segments': None, 'triangles': None}

    # open file and store lines in a list
    file = open(poly_file, 'r')
    lines = file.readlines()
    lines = [x.strip('\n').split() for x in lines]

    # clean up lines (remove empty lines and comments)
    lines = [x for x in lines if x != []]
    lines = [x for x in lines if x[0] != '#']

    # Divide lines into vertices, segments and holes
    vertex_lines, segment_lines, hole_lines = [], [], []

    # handle vertices
    n_vertices, dimension, attr, bdry_markers = [int(x) for x in lines[0]]
    if n_vertices == 0:
        if node_file is None:
            # no node-file given, so search for a node-file with the same name as the poly-file, but with the extension .node
            node_file = poly_file[:-4] + 'node'

        # open file and store lines in a list
            file = open(node_file, 'r')
            vertex_lines = file.readlines()
            vertex_lines = [x.strip('\n').split() for x in vertex_lines]
            vertex_lines = [x for x in vertex_lines if x != []]
            vertex_lines = [x for x in vertex_lines if x[0] != '#']
            raise Exception(f"no vertices given in poly-file and no node-file found at {node_file}")
        # append vertex lines to lines, so that the rest of the code can be used as is.
        lines = vertex_lines + lines[1:]
    # vertex stats
    n_vertices, dimension, attr, bdry_markers = [int(x) for x in lines[0]]
    vertex_lines = lines[1:n_vertices+1]

    # segment stats
    n_segments, bdry_markers = [int(x) for x in lines[n_vertices+1]]
    segment_lines = lines[n_vertices+2:n_vertices+n_segments+2]

    # hole stats
    n_holes = int(lines[n_segments+n_vertices+2][0])
    hole_lines = lines[n_segments + n_vertices + 3:n_segments + n_vertices + 3 + n_holes]

    # store vertices
    vertices = []
    for line in vertex_lines:
        values = [float(x) for x in line] # read as tuple in case of boundary markers
        vertices.append(values[1:]) # ignore label
    output['vertices'] = np.array(vertices)

    # store segments
    segments = []
    for line in segment_lines:
        values = [int(x) for x in line] # read as tuple in case of boundary markers
        values[1] -= 1 # subtract 1 to get 0-based indexing
        values[2] -= 1 # subtract 1 to get 0-based indexing
        segments.append(values[1:]) # ignore label
    output['segments'] = np.array(segments)

    # store holes
    holes = []
    for line in hole_lines:
        values = [float(x) for x in line]
        holes.append(values[1:]) # ignore label
    output['holes'] = np.array(holes)

    # Read triangles
        # open file and store lines in a list
        file = open(ele_file, 'r')
        triangle_lines = file.readlines()
        triangle_lines = [x.strip('\n').split() for x in triangle_lines]
        triangle_lines = [x for x in triangle_lines if x != []]
        triangle_lines = [x for x in triangle_lines if x[0] != '#']

        # store triangles
        triangles = []
        for line in triangle_lines[1:]:
            values = [int(x) for x in line] # read as tuple in case of boundary markers
            values[1] -= 1 # subtract 1 to get 0-based indexing
            values[2] -= 1 # subtract 1 to get 0-based indexing
            values[3] -= 1 # subtract 1 to get 0-based indexing
            triangles.append(values[1:]) # ignore label
        output['triangles'] = np.array(triangles)
        raise Exception(f"no triangles given in ele-file")

    return output

def create_xdmf(cell_type, mesh_name):
    creates an xdmf file from a mesh file
    # read mesh
    mesh =

    cells = mesh.get_cells_type(cell_type)
    cell_data = mesh.get_cell_data('gmsh:physical', cell_type=cell_type)
    points = mesh.points[:, :2]
    out_mesh = meshio.Mesh(points=points, cells={cell_type: cells}, cell_data={"name_to_read": [cell_data]})
    return out_mesh

def create_mesh(output_name, poly_dict):
    creates a mesh using pygmsh and meshio from the verticies, segments and holes in the poly_dict
    # initialize empty geometry
    geometry = pygmsh.geo.Geometry()
    model = geometry.__enter__()

    # add vertices
    points = [model.add_point([vertex[0], vertex[1], 0]) for vertex in poly_dict['vertices']]

    # add segments
    lines = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for segment in poly_dict['segments']:
        start = points[segment[0]]
        end = points[segment[1]]
        boundary = None if len(segment) == 2 else segment[2]

        line = model.add_line(start, end)
        if boundary:
    # add triangles
    triangles = []
    for triangle in poly_dict['triangles']:
        p1 = points[triangle[0]].x
        p2 = points[triangle[1]].x
        p3 = points[triangle[2]].x

        #model.add_polygon([p1, p2, p3])
        triangles.append(model.add_polygon([p1, p2, p3]))

    # call gmsh kernel before adding physical groups

    # add physical groups
    for boundary, line_list in lines.items():
        model.add_physical(line_list, label=f"boundary_{boundary}")

    # add compound surface
    geometry.add_physical(triangles, label="compound_surface")

    # write mesh to file

    # create xdmf file
    meshio.write(f"{output_name}.xdmf", create_xdmf("triangle", f"{output_name}.msh"))
    meshio.write(f"{output_name}_facet.xdmf", create_xdmf("line", f"{output_name}.msh"))

def plot_mesh(mesh):
    plots a mesh using pyvista

    p = pyvista.Plotter(window_size=(800, 800))
        scalar_bar_args={"title": "Materials"},

# run file
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # print versions of imports 
    print('meshio version: ', meshio.__version__)
    print('pygmsh version: ', pygmsh.__version__)
    print('gmsh version: ', gmsh.__version__)

    # read poly-file
    poly_file = 'meshes/two_holes/two_holes.1.poly'
    node_file = 'meshes/two_holes/two_holes.1.node'
    ele_file = 'meshes/two_holes/two_holes.1.ele'
    mesh = read_triangle(poly_file, ele_file, node_file)

    print(f"vertices: {mesh['vertices'].shape}")
    print(f"segments: {mesh['segments'].shape}")
    print(f"holes: {mesh['holes'].shape}")
    print(f"triangles: {mesh['triangles'].shape}")

    # create mesh
    create_mesh('test', mesh)

    # plot mesh

# Code used to read XDMF files
with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, "test.xdmf", "r") as xdmf:
    mesh = xdmf.read_mesh(name="Grid")
    ct = xdmf.read_meshtags(mesh, name="Grid")
mesh.topology.create_connectivity(mesh.topology.dim, mesh.topology.dim-1)

with XDMFFile(MPI.COMM_WORLD, "test_facet.xdmf", "r") as xdmf:
    ft = xdmf.read_mesh(mesh, name="Grid")

If there there is any more information that I can provide to help, please let me know!

Thank you.

Lets skip a few steps here.
Once you have writter the msh-file, you can read that directly into dolfinx using dolfinx.mesh.gmshio.read_from_msh.

The only thing that might mess this up is that you are using pygmsh to add the physical markers, which should have integer labels, not strings, to be able to work with DOLFINx.

For anyone to give you any further guidance, you would have to provide any of the mesh files (xdmf/h5 or msh file).

Thank you for the response!

I assume, using the physical markers, I will still be able to access and define boundary conditions using dolfinx.mesh.gmshio.read_from_msh? I guess, another way to phrase this, is that I will only be losing the parallel computing capabilities of XDMF?

I will see if I can refactor my code with gmsh instead of pygmsh to avoid the string label problem.

Also, It won’t let me upload the mesh files or a zip folder of them, but I can paste their contents if needbe.

Thanks again!

EDIT: I rewrote my create_msh function to use the gmsh api instead of pygmsh. I then used the .msh file as follows

mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags = gmshio.read_from_msh("test.msh", MPI.COMM_WORLD, 0, gdim=2)

The output states that it was able to fiinish reading the file, however, the program immediately exits after the function is called. I am not too sure where the issue lies.

Meshio and pygmsh are serial libraries, so wrt to reading the mesh in with gmshio does not have any performance impact.

You can use to write the mesh and mesh tags to xdmf file if you want to use them later.

Not sure what you mean as you have not supplied your new code, so its not easy to pinpoint what is wrong

Apologies! Here is the updated function:

def create_mesh_gmsh(output_name, poly_dict):
    creates a mesh using gmsh and meshio from the verticies, segments and holes in the poly_dict
    # initialize gmsh

    # create new model

    # add vertices
    points = []
    for vertex in poly_dict['vertices']:
        x, y, z = vertex[0], vertex[1], 0
        points.append(gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x, y, z))
    # add boundary segments
    lines = collections.defaultdict(list)
    for segment in poly_dict['segments']:
        start = points[segment[0]]
        end = points[segment[1]]
        boundary = None if len(segment) == 2 else segment[2]
        line = gmsh.model.geo.addLine(start, end)

        if boundary:
    # add triangles
    triangles = []
    for triangle in poly_dict['triangles']:
        l1 = gmsh.model.geo.addLine(points[triangle[0]], points[triangle[1]])
        l2 = gmsh.model.geo.addLine(points[triangle[1]], points[triangle[2]])
        l3 = gmsh.model.geo.addLine(points[triangle[2]], points[triangle[0]])

        loop = gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([l1, l2, l3])
        triangle = gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([loop])
    # synchronize geometry before adding physical groups

    # add physical groups
    for boundary, line_list in lines.items():
        gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=1, tags=line_list, tag=boundary)
    # add compound surface
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=2, tags=triangles, tag=0)

    # generate mesh

    # names of physical groups
    for boundary, line_list in lines.items():
        gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(dim=1, tag=boundary, name=f"boundary_{boundary}")

    # write mesh to file

    # clear gmsh

    # create xdmf file
    meshio.write(f"{output_name}.xdmf", create_xdmf("triangle", f"{output_name}.msh"))
    meshio.write(f"{output_name}_facet.xdmf", create_xdmf("line", f"{output_name}.msh"))

After creating the .msh file, and running gmshio.read_from_mesh I receive the following output:

Info    : Reading 'test.msh'...
Info    : 488 entities
Info    : 184 nodes
Info    : 260 elements
Info    : Done reading 'test.msh'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 19, in <module>
    mesh, cell_tags, facet_tags = gmshio.read_from_msh("test.msh", MPI.COMM_WORLD, 0, gdim=2)
  File "fenicsx-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/io/", line 309, in read_from_msh
    output = model_to_mesh(gmsh.model, comm, rank, gdim=gdim, partitioner=partitioner)
  File "fenicsx-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/io/", line 253, in model_to_mesh
    local_entities, local_values =, mesh.topology.dim, cells, cell_values)
ValueError: vector

And, if this is any help, here is the .msh file

Thank you for your help

EDIT: added mesh image

Without the full mesh file, i cannot be of any further guidance. I would suggest uploading the msh file at
adding a shareable link here.

Here is a link to the test.msh file generated from the above code. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help!

That is because you have duplicate vertices (vertices with the same coordinate).
There are 55 duplicates in your mesh. This means that something has gone wrong in your mesh generation. You can use gmsh to remove duplicate nodes.[Gmsh] Removing duplicates

Thank you!

I was able to resolve the issue with:

    gmsh.option.set_number("Geometry.Tolerance", 1e-3)