Assembling the Mass Matrix in Parallel

I’m looking to assemble the mass matrix over a mesh that has been distributed over multiple processes.

In my example problem, I create a 2D rectangular Mesh over 2 processes.

Here is my Minimum Working Example (MWE) code.

# Imports
import dolfinx
import ufl

from mpi4py import MPI

import numpy as np

# Parameters
x0, x1 = (0.0, 1.0)
y0, y1 = (0.0, 1.0)
nx, ny = (2, 2)

# MPI Attributes
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()

# Mesh

# The 2D rectangular domain is split into a FEM mesh
domain = dolfinx.mesh.create_rectangle(
    comm = comm,
    points = [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]],
    n = [nx, ny],
    cell_type = dolfinx.mesh.CellType.triangle,
    # Describes how the rectangular partitions are divided into triangles
    diagonal = dolfinx.mesh.DiagonalType.right,
    # Determines whether processes know information about adjacent cells on other processes
    ghost_mode = dolfinx.cpp.mesh.GhostMode.none,
    dtype = np.float64

# Dimensionality of the space should be 2 dimensional
ddim = domain.topology.dim
# Dimensionality of a facet, should be 1 dimensional
fdim = ddim - 1

# This step is important for detecting boundary facets and for proper partitioning of the mesh across multiple processes
domain.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, ddim)

# Mesh Boundaries

# FEniCS does not correctly perform oriented integrals over a closed boundary
# Sub-Meshes on the perimeter of the 2D rectangle are needed in order to perform oriented boundary integrals

# This is the absolute tolerance in determining which facets live on which boundaries
tolerance = np.finfo(np.float64).eps

# These are indicator functions used to mark the boundary facets of the mesh
# FEniCS does not have an elegant way of performing a directional integral on disjoint boundaries like a rectangle
boundary_indicators = [
    (1, lambda x: np.isclose(x[0], x0, 0.0, tolerance)), # Left
    (2, lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], y0, 0.0, tolerance)), # Bottom
    (3, lambda x: np.isclose(x[0], x1, 0.0, tolerance)), # Right
    (4, lambda x: np.isclose(x[1], y1, 0.0, tolerance)) # Top

facet_indices = list()

facet_markers = list()

for marker, indicator in boundary_indicators:
    facets = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities(domain, fdim, indicator)
    facet_markers.append(np.full(facets.shape, marker, dtype = np.int64))
facet_indices = np.hstack(facet_indices)
facet_markers = np.hstack(facet_markers)
sorted_indices = np.argsort(facet_indices)

facet_tags = dolfinx.mesh.meshtags(

# Setup UFL Expressions

# These are specifically UFL Expression objects located as ufl.core.expr.Expr
# They are both immutable, and hashable, objects

# UFL Represenation of the spacial coordinates as a vector
x_coord = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain)

# UFL Representation of the time coordinate as a scalar constant over the the entire mesh
t_var = ufl.variable(ufl.Constant(domain, shape = ()))

# UFL Expression of the Manufactured Solution
solution = (1.0 - ufl.exp(-tau * t_var)) * ufl.sin(x_coord[0] * x_coord[1])

# UFL Expression of the Manufactured Source Function
# This is what forces the solution of the 2D Heat Equation
source = tau * ufl.exp(-tau * t_var) * ufl.sin(x_coord[0] * x_coord[1]) + alpha * solution * (x_coord[0] ** 2 + x_coord[1] ** 2)
# Define UFL Measure Objects

# We define UFL Measure objects explicitly, instead of using ufl.dx and ufl.ds because we may want to control the quadrature degree in the numerical integration
# This has a direct impact on the computational complexity of integration

# UFL Measure for integrating over the area of the 2D Cells of the Mesh
dx = ufl.Measure(
    integral_type = "cell",
    domain = domain,
    subdomain_id = "everywhere",

# UFL Measure for integrating over the 1D Exterior Facet boundary of the Mesh
# This is needed because we are explicitly setting which boundary sub-domains to integrate over
ds = ufl.Measure(
    integral_type = "exterior_facet",
    domain = domain,
    subdomain_data = facet_tags,

# Function Space

# The FEniCS FunctionSpace is a generalized wrapper over the UFL FunctionSpace object
# For the 2D Heat equation, the weak form of the PDE has the first order as the highest derivative
# This lets us use first order polynomials as our basis functions
function_space = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(
    dolfinx.fem.ElementMetaData(family = "CG", degree = 1)
# Degrees of Freedom Index Map
dof_imap = function_space.dofmap.index_map

# Number of Degrees of Freedom
n_dofs_local = dof_imap.size_local # Number of local degrees of freedom
n_dofs_global = dof_imap.size_global # Number of global degrees of freedom

test_function = ufl.TestFunction(function_space)

trial_function = ufl.TrialFunction(function_space)

# Construct Mass Matrix
mass_form = dolfinx.fem.form(
    ufl.inner(test_function, trial_function) * dx,
    dtype = np.float64

mass_matrix = dolfinx.fem.assemble_matrix(mass_form)

# We need to cast the matrix into a SciPy Sparse CSR matrix
# SciPy CSR matrices are serializable (can be pickled)
A = mass_matrix.to_scipy()

# Ranges of the Degrees of Freedom on this process
local_range = dof_imap.local_range

ranges = comm.gather(local_range, root = 0)
data = comm.gather(A, root = 0)

If I run the example on one process, I get a 9 by 9 matrix with 41 non-zero elements.

When run with two nodes, I get the following.
Process 0 Matrix – 4 by 8 – 17 non-zero elements
Process 1 Matrix – 5 by 8 – 24 non-zero elements

I can successfully get all the entries of the Mass Matrix to the root process, however I don’t know how to recover the structure of the mass matrix as if the program was run on one process.

Please let me know what I’m missing. Thank You.

See for instance: dolfinx_mpc/python/dolfinx_mpc/utils/ at main · jorgensd/dolfinx_mpc · GitHub

May I ask why you would want this?

1 Like
  • I am attempting to solve the 2D heat equation with a custom ODE solver.
  • The ODE solving algorithm needs to know the complete mass matrix, as well as the complete derivative matrix.
  • On each time marching step of the ODE algorithm, it calls Dolfinx subroutines to solve a series of integrals over the mesh.
  • I would like these integrals to be performed in parallel
  • My ODE algorithm is written in a purely numerical context using JAX
  • While there are discrete time steps in the ODE solver, the output solution has support over the full time domain.
  • UFL does not have a good way of implementing time dependence, so I use ufl.replace() and generate different UFL forms that are then solved with calls to dolfinx.fem functions

Can I assume that I can also use the gather_PETScVector() function of Dolfinx MPC to reconstruct vectors on the master process?

Yes, you can do that.

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