I am using Fenicsx to generate PyG graph dataset. My aim is to train a graph neural network on cylinder flow or fluidic pinball data.
I am having trouble efficiently converting fenicsx simulation results to the required data structure.
My fenics implementation outputs simulation results as a Dolfinx.fem.Function and I must convert its vector output to the following format :
: Node feature matrix with shape[num_nodes, num_node_features]
(node features will be x and y velocity and pressure) -
: Graph connectivity (pairs of connected nodes) in COO format with shape[2, num_edges]
and typetorch.long
: Edge feature matrix with shape[num_edges, num_edge_features]
: Target to train against (may have arbitrary shape), e.g., node-level targets of shape[num_nodes, *]
or graph-level targets of shape[1, *]
: Node position matrix with shape[num_nodes, num_dimensions]
I have a working implementation but I find it very naive and it is very slow for larger meshes :
I) after computing fenics solution stored in up_temp
I run this code to aggregate node features (u_x,u_y, p). I only store results for P1 nodes, velocity at 2nd order integration points is not stored, this allows me not to handle missing data.
(u_f, p_f) = (up_temp.sub(0).collapse(), up_temp.sub(1).collapse())
pyvista_cells, cell_types, coordinates = dolfinx.plot.create_vtk_mesh(u_f.function_space)
values = u_f.x.array.reshape(coordinates.shape[0], u_f.function_space.dofmap.index_map_bs)
pyvista_cells, cell_types, coordinates_p = dolfinx.plot.create_vtk_mesh(p_f.function_space)
values_p = p_f.x.array.reshape(coordinates_p.shape[0], p_f.function_space.dofmap.index_map_bs)
features_oseen = np.concatenate((coordinates_p[:,:2],values_p), axis = 1)
u_proj = np.zeros((coordinates_p.shape[0],2))
for i in range(coordinates.shape[0]):
for j in range(coordinates_p.shape[0]) :
if coordinates[i,0] == coordinates_p[j,0] and coordinates[i,1] == coordinates_p[j,1]:
u_proj[j,:] = values[i,:]
feature = np.concatenate((features, u_proj) , axis = 1)
The feature matrix holds (2d coordinates, 2d velocity and pressure) for each node.
II) Having our node and node features i create the adjacency list in the following way :
connect = np.copy(mesh.topology.connectivity(2,0).array)
connect = connect.reshape((int(connect.shape[0]/3),3)) # this gives me an array of triangles : [[node1,node2,node3],[....]....]
edges = np.zeros((2,1))
for i in connect : # loop over triangles
for j in i : # loop over nodes of given triangle
for k in i : # loop over nodes of given triangle
if k != j : # do not add self connections
# a convoluted way to detect of the current edge has been already stored (because triangle share edges)
temp_edge = np.zeros((2,1))
temp_edge[0] = j
temp_edge[1] = k
temp_list = np.argwhere((edges[0,:]-temp_edge[0])==0)
flag = 0
for l in temp_list :
if edges[1,int(l)] == temp_edge[1] :
flag += 1
if flag == 0:
edges = np.concatenate((edges,temp_edge), axis = 1)
Does anyone know of a better way to perform those two tasks, is their a cleverer way, or a even better, built in dolfinx / gmsh functions that can do this better.
Thanks for your help.