New vtkplotter module for visualization

I wrote a function that emulates the plot() behaviour which works with the vtkplotter module.
It comes with a bunch of examples here, and preliminary documentation.

To install it:
pip install vtkplotter

Example usage:

import dolfin
from vtkplotter.dolfin import datadir, plot
mesh = dolfin.Mesh(datadir+"dolfin_fine.xml")

Other examples:

At the moment I only tested it with python3 and dolfin 2019.1.0, if you find bugs please report them. all feedback is very welcome!


Honestly, that looks great! Are there any plans for supporting level sets?

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by level sets you mean isosurfaces? that would not be difficult to include…

I do a lot of axi-symmetric modelling where I have a 2d mesh but 3d velocity fields. Is there an easy way of plotting 3d vectors on a 2d mesh? (My first naive try threw an error).

Have you tried this ?
Change mode="lines" to mode="arrows", these are anyway in 3d.
(n.b.: this specific script needs python3)

Thanks! That works better :slight_smile:

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vtkplotter is now available on Debian and Ubuntu.