Hi all
I am struggling a lot with getting my thermal calculation tool to produce the output that I want. Essentially, the transient thermal profile over an IC layout needs to be calculated and thus needs to show the temperatures at discrete points on the layout at different time intervals. The code below shows the Python script that I’ve written that attempts to do this. The issue is that when inspecting the output, it seems like the heat generated by the resistors is not present, which is obviously wrong. This happens even when the resistor flux is multiplied by an extreme number. The two attached images show what the GMSH mesh looks like (indicating the resistors are present) and then the ParaView output file (where the resistors are missing). Any idea why this would occur or advice on how to fix it?
from threading import currentThread
import time
import ufl
from petsc4py import PETSc
import numpy as np
from dolfinx.fem.petsc import assemble_matrix, assemble_vector
from dolfinx.fem import (Function, FunctionSpace, dirichletbc, locate_dofs_geometrical, Constant, form)
from dolfinx import mesh, fem
from tqdm import tqdm
import generateOutputFiles
def apply_heat_flux_to_resistor_regions(V, domain, cell_tags, resistor_data):
Function to apply heat flux to resistors by averaging element-wise data to nodes.
Each resistor is treated as a region identified in the mesh, and heat flux is applied uniformly.
V (FunctionSpace): The function space for temperature.
domain (Mesh): The finite element mesh.
cell_tags (MeshTags): MeshTags object containing the tagged cells.
resistor_data (dict): Dictionary containing information about the resistors.
Q (Function): A Function containing the nodal heat flux values.
# Number of nodes (DOFs)
num_dofs = V.dofmap.index_map.size_local
# Initialize arrays to accumulate heat flux contributions and counts at nodes
heat_flux_accum = np.zeros(num_dofs, dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
node_count = np.zeros(num_dofs, dtype=int)
# Loop through resistors to calculate element-wise heat flux
for resistor in resistor_data.values():
resistor_id = resistor['resistor_number']
power = resistor['power_dissipation']
# Get cells that belong to the current resistor
resistor_cells = cell_tags.find(resistor_id + 1)
# print(resistor_cells.size) DEBUG
# Calculate the heat flux for each resistor
area = resistor['length'] * resistor['width']
flux = power / area * 10000
# Loop through cells in the resistor
for cell_index in resistor_cells:
# Get the nodes (DOFs) of the current cell
cell = domain.topology.connectivity(domain.topology.dim, 0).links(cell_index)
# Accumulate flux contribution to the nodes of the cell
for node in cell:
heat_flux_accum[node] += flux
node_count[node] += 1
# Calculate average heat flux at each node
avg_heat_flux = np.zeros(num_dofs, dtype=PETSc.ScalarType)
non_zero_nodes = node_count > 0
avg_heat_flux[non_zero_nodes] = heat_flux_accum[non_zero_nodes] / node_count[non_zero_nodes]
# Create a Function to store the nodal heat flux values
Q = fem.Function(V)
Q.vector.array[:] = avg_heat_flux
return Q
def add_boundary_conditions(V, domain, facet_tags, T_ambient):
Adds boundary conditions using the facet tags.
V (FunctionSpace): The function space for temperature.
domain (mesh): The FEniCS domain mesh.
facet_tags (MeshTags): Boundary facet tags from the mesh.
T_ambient (float): Ambient temperature value.
list: Boundary conditions for the simulation.
boundary_conditions = []
# Iterate over each boundary marker (assuming markers 1 to 4 for each boundary line)
for boundary_marker in range(1, 5):
boundary_facets = facet_tags.find(boundary_marker)
boundary_dofs = fem.locate_dofs_topological(V, domain.topology.dim - 1, boundary_facets)
# Apply Dirichlet boundary condition to the found DOFs
boundary_conditions.append(dirichletbc(PETSc.ScalarType(T_ambient), boundary_dofs, V))
return boundary_conditions
def findHeatSolution(msh_filename, layout_length:float, layout_width:float, rho_param:float, c_p_param:float, k_param:float, resistor_data:dict, iteration_num: int, delta: float, h_cooling: float, T_ambient: float):
Solves the transient heat flow equation over the layout.
Includes in-plane heat conduction (x, y) and cooling in the z-direction (Neumann boundary condition).
h_cooling: Heat transfer coefficient (to model cooling in negative z-direction).
T_ambient: Ambient temperature (to model cooling effect).
start_time = time.time()
# ------------------ Load the mesh and associated facet tags ----------------- #
| Reading mesh data from file |
domain, cell_tags, facet_tags = generateOutputFiles.get_mesh(msh_filename)
# domain: Core mesh object representing the entire computing domain
# cell_tags: Stores information about the tags assigned to mesh elements (cells), which are the triangles in 2D: Used for subdomain identification
# facet_tags: Stores information about the tags assigned to the boundaries (facets), which are edges in 2D: Used for boundary conditions
# ----------------------- Defining the function space V ---------------------- #
V = fem.FunctionSpace(domain, ("CG", 1))
# ----------------- Defining relevant functions ---------------- #
T_n = Function(V) # Temperature at previous time step
v = ufl.TestFunction(V) # test function
u = ufl.TrialFunction(V) # temperature at the current timestep (what we are trying to solve)
delta_t = delta # Time step size = delta parameter
# --------- Define the heat source as a Function in the FunctionSpace -------- #
Q = apply_heat_flux_to_resistor_regions(V, domain, cell_tags, resistor_data)
print("\n\033[92mPreparing simulation...\033[0m")
# -------- Define the bilinear form (should contain unknowns u and v) -------- #
a = (rho_param * c_p_param / delta_t) * u * v * ufl.dx + k_param * ufl.dot(ufl.grad(u), ufl.grad(v)) * ufl.dx
# --- Define the linear form (including contributions from known T_n and Q) -- #
L = (rho_param * c_p_param / delta_t) * T_n * v * ufl.dx + Q * v * ufl.dx
# Add Neumann boundary condition for cooling (heat flux in negative z-direction)
L += -h_cooling * (T_n - T_ambient) * v * ufl.ds
# ---------- Boundary condition (Dirichlet for ambient temperature) ---------- #
# This assumes that the edges of the layout are connected in such a way that it is maintained at a constant temperature, such as in a controlled cold bath environment
boundary_conditions = add_boundary_conditions(V, domain, facet_tags, T_ambient)
# ------------------------- Time-stepping parameters ------------------------- #
num_steps = iteration_num # Number of time steps
current_time = 0.0
# --------------------------- Assemble the matrix A -------------------------- #
A = fem.petsc.create_matrix(form(a))
A_mat = fem.petsc.assemble_matrix(A, form(a), bcs=boundary_conditions)
# ------------------------------ Create a solver ----------------------------- #
solver = PETSc.KSP().create(domain.comm)
solver.setOperators(A_mat) # Use the PETSc matrix
solver.setFromOptions() # This is necessary to finalize the setup of the solver
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Run the simulation and save data at each time step #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
Starting simulation
with tqdm(total=num_steps, desc="Simulating Heat Flow", unit="step") as pbar:
for step in range(num_steps):
current_time += delta_t
# ------------------ Assemble the right-hand side vector (b) ----------------- #
b = fem.petsc.create_vector(form(L))
b_vec = fem.petsc.assemble_vector(b, form(L))
fem.apply_lifting(b_vec, [form(a)], bcs=[boundary_conditions])
b_vec.ghostUpdate(addv=PETSc.InsertMode.ADD, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.REVERSE)
fem.set_bc(b_vec, boundary_conditions)
# ----------------------------- Solve the system ----------------------------- #
T_new = Function(V)
solver.solve(b_vec, T_new.vector)
# ----------------------- Update for the next time step ---------------------- #
T_n.x.array[:] = T_new.x.array[:]
# ----------------------------- Save the solution ---------------------------- #
vtk_filename = f"heat_solution_step_{step}.vtk"
generateOutputFiles.write_legacy_vtk(vtk_filename, domain, T_new, step, current_time)
pbar.update(1) # Update the progress bar
# ------------------ Find simulation time form time elapsed ------------------ #
end_time = time.time()
elapsed_time_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000 # find time elapsed in milliseconds
Simulation complete
print(f"Time elapsed since simulation start: {elapsed_time_ms:.2f} ms")
print(f"Output file saved.\n")