Discontinuity at interface using mixed domains

Hi all,

Exactly like in this topic I am trying to impose a discontinuity at an interface between two subdomains. This time having two subdomains with only CG elements and coupling them with a dS term.

@dokken published this gist that I am trying to adapt in order to have:

\frac{u(-)}{K(-)} = \frac{u(+)}{K(+)}
\nabla u(-) - \nabla u(+) = 0

However I am struggling to adapt the interface terms to achieve the desired result.
This is the DG formulation we had earlier:

# Interface 
F += - dot(avg(grad(v)), n('-'))*(u('-')*(K1/K2-1))*dS(2)
F += alpha/avg(h)*dot(jump(v,n),n('-'))*(u('-')*(K1/K2-1))*dS(2)

# symmetry
F += - dot(avg(grad(v)), jump(u, n))*dS(2)
# coercivity
F += + alpha/avg(h)*dot(jump(v, n), jump(u, n))*dS(2)

I think this is the variational form that you would like:

# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

from mpi4py import MPI
import dolfinx
import dolfinx.fem.petsc
import ufl
import numpy as np
from petsc4py import PETSc

class NewtonSolver:
    max_iterations: int
    bcs: list[dolfinx.fem.DirichletBC]
    A: PETSc.Mat
    b: PETSc.Vec
    J: dolfinx.fem.Form
    b: dolfinx.fem.Form
    dx: PETSc.Vec

    def __init__(
        F: list[dolfinx.fem.form],
        J: list[list[dolfinx.fem.form]],
        w: list[dolfinx.fem.Function],
        bcs: list[dolfinx.fem.DirichletBC] | None = None,
        max_iterations: int = 5,
        petsc_options: dict[str, str | float | int | None] = None,
        self.max_iterations = max_iterations
        self.bcs = [] if bcs is None else bcs
        self.b = dolfinx.fem.petsc.create_vector_block(F)
        self.F = F
        self.J = J
        self.A = dolfinx.fem.petsc.create_matrix_block(J)
        self.dx = self.A.createVecLeft()
        self.w = w
        self.x = dolfinx.fem.petsc.create_vector_block(F)

        # Set PETSc options
        opts = PETSc.Options()
        if petsc_options is not None:
            for k, v in petsc_options.items():
                opts[k] = v

        # Define KSP solver
        self._solver = PETSc.KSP().create(self.b.getComm().tompi4py())

        # Set matrix and vector PETSc options

    def solve(self, tol=1e-6, beta=1.0):
        i = 0

        while i < self.max_iterations:
                [si.x.petsc_vec.array_r for si in self.w],
                    for si in self.w
                addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD

            # Assemble F(u_{i-1}) - J(u_D - u_{i-1}) and set du|_bc= u_D - u_{i-1}
            with self.b.localForm() as b_local:
                self.b, self.F, self.J, bcs=self.bcs, x0=self.x, scale=-1.0
                PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT_VALUES, PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD

            # Assemble Jacobian
            dolfinx.fem.petsc.assemble_matrix_block(self.A, self.J, bcs=self.bcs)

            self._solver.solve(self.b, self.dx)
            # self._solver.view()
            assert (
                self._solver.getConvergedReason() > 0
            ), "Linear solver did not converge"
            offset_start = 0
            for s in self.w:
                num_sub_dofs = (
                    * s.function_space.dofmap.index_map_bs
                s.x.petsc_vec.array_w[:num_sub_dofs] -= (
                    beta * self.dx.array_r[offset_start : offset_start + num_sub_dofs]
                    addv=PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT, mode=PETSc.ScatterMode.FORWARD
                offset_start += num_sub_dofs
            # Compute norm of update

            correction_norm = self.dx.norm(0)
            print(f"Iteration {i}: Correction norm {correction_norm}")
            if correction_norm < tol:
            i += 1

    def __del__(self):

def transfer_meshtags_to_submesh(
    mesh, entity_tag, submesh, sub_vertex_to_parent, sub_cell_to_parent
    Transfer a meshtag from a parent mesh to a sub-mesh.

    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    cell_imap = mesh.topology.index_map(tdim)
    num_cells = cell_imap.size_local + cell_imap.num_ghosts
    mesh_to_submesh = np.full(num_cells, -1)
    mesh_to_submesh[sub_cell_to_parent] = np.arange(
        len(sub_cell_to_parent), dtype=np.int32
    sub_vertex_to_parent = np.asarray(sub_vertex_to_parent)

    submesh.topology.create_connectivity(entity_tag.dim, 0)

    num_child_entities = (
        + submesh.topology.index_map(entity_tag.dim).num_ghosts
    submesh.topology.create_connectivity(submesh.topology.dim, entity_tag.dim)

    c_c_to_e = submesh.topology.connectivity(submesh.topology.dim, entity_tag.dim)
    c_e_to_v = submesh.topology.connectivity(entity_tag.dim, 0)

    child_markers = np.full(num_child_entities, 0, dtype=np.int32)

    mesh.topology.create_connectivity(entity_tag.dim, 0)
    mesh.topology.create_connectivity(entity_tag.dim, mesh.topology.dim)
    p_f_to_v = mesh.topology.connectivity(entity_tag.dim, 0)
    p_f_to_c = mesh.topology.connectivity(entity_tag.dim, mesh.topology.dim)
    sub_to_parent_entity_map = np.full(num_child_entities, -1, dtype=np.int32)
    for facet, value in zip(entity_tag.indices, entity_tag.values):
        facet_found = False
        for cell in p_f_to_c.links(facet):
            if facet_found:
            if (child_cell := mesh_to_submesh[cell]) != -1:
                for child_facet in c_c_to_e.links(child_cell):
                    child_vertices = c_e_to_v.links(child_facet)
                    child_vertices_as_parent = sub_vertex_to_parent[child_vertices]
                    is_facet = np.isin(
                        child_vertices_as_parent, p_f_to_v.links(facet)
                    if is_facet:
                        child_markers[child_facet] = value
                        facet_found = True
                        sub_to_parent_entity_map[child_facet] = facet
    tags = dolfinx.mesh.meshtags(
        np.arange(num_child_entities, dtype=np.int32),
    tags.name = entity_tag.name
    return tags, sub_to_parent_entity_map

def bottom_boundary(x):
    return np.isclose(x[1], 0.0)

def top_boundary(x):
    return np.isclose(x[1], 1.0)

def half(x):
    return x[1] <= 0.5 + 1e-14

mesh = dolfinx.mesh.create_unit_square(MPI.COMM_WORLD, 10, 10, dolfinx.mesh.CellType.triangle)

# Split domain in half and set an interface tag of 5
gdim = mesh.geometry.dim
tdim = mesh.topology.dim
fdim = tdim - 1
top_facets = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, top_boundary)
bottom_facets = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities_boundary(mesh, fdim, bottom_boundary)
num_facets_local = (
    mesh.topology.index_map(fdim).size_local + mesh.topology.index_map(fdim).num_ghosts
facets = np.arange(num_facets_local, dtype=np.int32)
values = np.full_like(facets, 0, dtype=np.int32)
values[top_facets] = 1
values[bottom_facets] = 2

bottom_cells = dolfinx.mesh.locate_entities(mesh, tdim, half)
num_cells_local = (
    mesh.topology.index_map(tdim).size_local + mesh.topology.index_map(tdim).num_ghosts
cells = np.full(num_cells_local, 4, dtype=np.int32)
cells[bottom_cells] = 3
ct = dolfinx.mesh.meshtags(
    mesh, tdim, np.arange(num_cells_local, dtype=np.int32), cells
all_b_facets = dolfinx.mesh.compute_incident_entities(
    mesh.topology, ct.find(3), tdim, fdim
all_t_facets = dolfinx.mesh.compute_incident_entities(
    mesh.topology, ct.find(4), tdim, fdim
interface = np.intersect1d(all_b_facets, all_t_facets)
values[interface] = 5

mt = dolfinx.mesh.meshtags(mesh, mesh.topology.dim - 1, facets, values)

submesh_b, submesh_b_to_mesh, b_v_map = dolfinx.mesh.create_submesh(
    mesh, tdim, ct.find(3)
submesh_t, submesh_t_to_mesh, t_v_map = dolfinx.mesh.create_submesh(
    mesh, tdim, ct.find(4)
parent_to_sub_b = np.full(num_facets_local, -1, dtype=np.int32)
parent_to_sub_b[submesh_b_to_mesh] = np.arange(len(submesh_b_to_mesh), dtype=np.int32)
parent_to_sub_t = np.full(num_facets_local, -1, dtype=np.int32)
parent_to_sub_t[submesh_t_to_mesh] = np.arange(len(submesh_t_to_mesh), dtype=np.int32)    

# We need to modify the cell maps, as for `dS` integrals of interfaces between submeshes, there is no entity to map to.
# We use the entity on the same side to fix this (as all restrictions are one-sided)

# Transfer meshtags to submesh
ft_b, b_facet_to_parent = transfer_meshtags_to_submesh(
    mesh, mt, submesh_b, b_v_map, submesh_b_to_mesh
ft_t, t_facet_to_parent = transfer_meshtags_to_submesh(
    mesh, mt, submesh_t, t_v_map, submesh_t_to_mesh

t_parent_to_facet = np.full(num_facets_local, -1)
t_parent_to_facet[t_facet_to_parent] = np.arange(len(t_facet_to_parent), dtype=np.int32)

# Hack, as we use one-sided restrictions, pad dS integral with the same entity from the same cell on both sides
mesh.topology.create_connectivity(fdim, tdim)
f_to_c = mesh.topology.connectivity(fdim, tdim)
for facet in mt.find(5):
    cells = f_to_c.links(facet)
    assert len(cells) == 2
    b_map = parent_to_sub_b[cells]
    t_map = parent_to_sub_t[cells]
    parent_to_sub_b[cells] = max(b_map)
    parent_to_sub_t[cells] = max(t_map)

entity_maps = {submesh_b: parent_to_sub_b, submesh_t: parent_to_sub_t}
#entity_maps = {submesh_b._cpp_object: parent_to_sub_b, submesh_t._cpp_object: parent_to_sub_t}

def define_interior_eq(mesh,degree,  submesh, submesh_to_mesh, value):
    # Compute map from parent entity to submesh cell
    codim = mesh.topology.dim - submesh.topology.dim
    ptdim = mesh.topology.dim - codim
    num_entities = (
        + mesh.topology.index_map(ptdim).num_ghosts
    mesh_to_submesh = np.full(num_entities, -1)
    mesh_to_submesh[submesh_to_mesh] = np.arange(len(submesh_to_mesh), dtype=np.int32)

    V = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(submesh, ("Lagrange", degree))
    u = dolfinx.fem.Function(V)
    v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
    ct_r = dolfinx.mesh.meshtags(mesh, mesh.topology.dim, submesh_to_mesh, np.full_like(submesh_to_mesh, 1, dtype=np.int32))
    val = dolfinx.fem.Constant(submesh, value)
    dx_r = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=ct_r, subdomain_id=1)
    F = ufl.inner(ufl.grad(u), ufl.grad(v)) * dx_r - val * v * dx_r
    return u, F, mesh_to_submesh

u_0, F_00, m_to_b = define_interior_eq(mesh, 2, submesh_b, submesh_b_to_mesh, 0.0)
u_1, F_11, m_to_t = define_interior_eq(mesh, 1, submesh_t, submesh_t_to_mesh, 0.0)
u_0.name = "u_b"
u_1.name = "u_t"

# Add coupling term to the interface
# Get interface markers on submesh b
dInterface = ufl.Measure("dS", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=mt, subdomain_id=5)
b_res = "+"
t_res = "-"

v_b = ufl.TestFunction(u_0.function_space)(b_res)
v_t = ufl.TestFunction(u_1.function_space)(t_res)
u_b = u_0(b_res)
u_t = u_1(t_res)

def mixed_term(u, v, n):
    return ufl.dot(ufl.grad(u), n) * v

W_0 = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(submesh_b, ("DG", 0))
K_0 = dolfinx.fem.Function(W_0)
K_0.x.array[:] = 1
W_1 = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(submesh_t, ("DG", 0))
K_1 = dolfinx.fem.Function(W_1)
K_1.x.array[:] = 1.5

n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
n_b = n(b_res)
n_t = n(t_res)
K_b = K_0(b_res)
K_t = K_1(t_res)
cr = ufl.Circumradius(mesh)
h_b = 2 * cr(b_res)
h_t = 2 * cr(t_res)
gamma = 50.0

F_0 = (
    -0.5 * mixed_term((u_b + u_t), v_b, n_b) * dInterface
    - 0.5 * mixed_term(v_b, (u_b/K_b - u_t/K_t), n_b) * dInterface

F_1 = (
    +0.5 * mixed_term((u_b + u_t), v_t, n_b) * dInterface
    - 0.5 * mixed_term(v_t, (u_b/K_b - u_t/K_t), n_b) * dInterface
F_0 += 2 * gamma / (h_b + h_t) * (u_b/K_b - u_t/K_t) * v_b * dInterface
F_1 += -2 * gamma / (h_b + h_t) * (u_b/K_b - u_t/K_t) * v_t * dInterface

F_0 += F_00
F_1 += F_11

jac00 = ufl.derivative(F_0, u_0)

jac01 = ufl.derivative(F_0, u_1)

jac10 = ufl.derivative(F_1, u_0)
jac11 = ufl.derivative(F_1, u_1)
J00 = dolfinx.fem.form(jac00, entity_maps=entity_maps)

J01 = dolfinx.fem.form(jac01, entity_maps=entity_maps)
J10 = dolfinx.fem.form(jac10, entity_maps=entity_maps)
J11 = dolfinx.fem.form(jac11, entity_maps=entity_maps)
J = [[J00, J01], [J10, J11]]
F = [
    dolfinx.fem.form(F_0, entity_maps=entity_maps),
    dolfinx.fem.form(F_1, entity_maps=entity_maps),
b_bc = dolfinx.fem.Function(u_0.function_space)
b_bc.x.array[:] = 0.2
    submesh_b.topology.dim - 1, submesh_b.topology.dim
bc_b = dolfinx.fem.dirichletbc(
    b_bc, dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_topological(u_0.function_space, fdim, ft_b.find(2))

t_bc = dolfinx.fem.Function(u_1.function_space)
t_bc.x.array[:] = 0.05
    submesh_t.topology.dim - 1, submesh_t.topology.dim
bc_t = dolfinx.fem.dirichletbc(
    t_bc, dolfinx.fem.locate_dofs_topological(u_1.function_space, fdim, ft_t.find(1))
bcs = [bc_b, bc_t]

solver = NewtonSolver(
    [u_0, u_1],
        "ksp_type": "preonly",
        "pc_type": "lu",
        "pc_factor_mat_solver_type": "mumps",

bp = dolfinx.io.VTXWriter(mesh.comm, "u_b.bp", [u_0], engine="BP4")
bp = dolfinx.io.VTXWriter(mesh.comm, "u_t.bp", [u_1], engine="BP4")
1 Like

Yes it works thank you so much!

Just a typo

F_0 = (
    -0.5 * mixed_term((u_b + u_t), v_b, n_b) * dInterface
    - 0.5 * mixed_term(v_b, (u_b / K_b - u_t / K_t), n_b) * dInterface

F_1 = (
    +0.5 * mixed_term((u_b + u_t), v_t, n_b) * dInterface
    - 0.5 * mixed_term(v_t, (u_b / K_b - u_t / K_t), n_b) * dInterface
F_0 += 2 * gamma / (h_b + h_t) * (u_b / K_b - u_t / K_t) * v_b * dInterface
F_1 += -2 * gamma / (h_b + h_t) * (u_b / K_b - u_t / K_t) * v_t * dInterface

Right, I was a bit too fast :slight_smile: Corrected in post now:)

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It would be nice to have a demo somewhere to be able to arrive to this by hand

For anyone interested this is the produced field

In the referenced gist, I’ve written out all the different ways of writing up the DG coupling for general DG, which kind of explains the evolution of it.
I’ll talk to @jpdean about making an official demo out of this (or the linear version of it) when I see him early July:)

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Have you written a preprint on the variation formulation in this gist or is the prescription of discontinuity by that method supposed to be obvious?

It is a «standard» DG coupling scheme of a Poisson equation (see the dg.py file for a similar DG formulation).

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Thanks for the gist - symmetric interior penalty DG (SIPDG) extra DoFs were becoming a bottleneck for a problem I am solving. Reviewing the gist, I can see the similarities with SIPDG. Do you think the penalty parameter gamma would be affected by mesh quality far away from the interface? I’m trying to ascertain whether I can use bounds on the penalty parameters already proved by Epshteyn and Riviere. Regardless, I’ll most likely get away with using a “large-enough” penalty term by trial and error if the bounds for this DG are not contained in the bounds by Epshteyn and Riviere.

I would be suprised if far-away bad cells would affect the DG coupling at the interface itself.
However, i am aware of cases where boundary effects reduce global convergence (in fluid flow), so there might be similarities.